
#health #dental Pedram and dental Dr Elmira Shojai's $194 Gateway to Health:Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome

20.7.5: news.health/dental/
Pedram and dental Dr Elmira Shojai's $194 
Gateway to Health:Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome:
. a Dr.Mark Hyman emailing promoted
Pedram Shojai's $194 Gateway to Health:
Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome
(Pedram's wife is a dentist: Dr Elmira Shojai DDS)

Dr. Pedram Shojai:
"( author of his bestselling books
The Urban Monk, Inner Alchemy, and
The Art of Stopping Time
as well as the producer of the movies
Vitality, Origins, and Prosperity.
Pedram is the host and executive producer of
the documentary series,
INTERCONNECTED: The Power to Heal From Within
and now, new for 2020,
GATEWAY TO HEALTH: Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome
Shojai's amazon page:
Shojai is former Taoist monk who is an accomplished
physician of Chinese medicine
and has lectured on wellness around the world.
@PedramShojai (twitter):
NT Times Best Selling Author, filmmaker,
and founder of Well.Org
#UrbanMonk Park City, UTtheurbanmonk.com
5,223 Followers including
Life Extension and Center 4 Food Safety.
July 6's top post on his twitter (May 25):
instagram (6weeks before July 6):
Green washing anyone? Here’s how you do it.
* ... Yada yada all about packaging and footprint.
Say all the right buzzwords ...* .
Then reduce the volume of the
actual thing people are buying
by 50% and make profits soar.
Hey (*)!, potatoes are the cheapest thing out there.
Why cheat?
Stop following the bean counters on Wall Street
and stay honest. @kettlebrand
my reaction:
. LOL the author "Inner Alchemy"
resorts to *hostile street language*
over having air added to his potato chip bag?
. it prevents crushing the chips,
and the number of chips was printed on the bag.
. are potato chips even healthy?
KettleFoods was likely just doing him a favor
when reducing the serving size to 13 chips.
. it's amazing he can rant about the price of
potato chips, and then charge $194
for essential medical info.
Donald A. Norman` The Design of Everyday Things

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