
progesterone is equally a male hormone

20.5.12: health/hormonics/
progesterone is equally a male hormone:
wbur.org 2020:
"Doctors Test Whether Female Sex Hormones
Could Help Men Fight COVID-19"
[progesterone is an anti-inflammatory]
this news is promoting a common misconception!
progesterone is a female hormone? no!
. men's levels of progesterone are similar to
those of fertile women before month's ovulation.

(Progesterone, Testosterone) (ng/dL)
0.78 ± 0.28,_ 470.78 ± 159.48 Healthy men
0.68 ± 0.34,__ 18.55 ± 8.15 women (pre-ovulation)
3.31 ± 5.65,__ 26.97 ± 14.21 Ovulatory women
0.26 ± 0.18,__ 17.90 ± 9.48 Postmenopausal women
[ Fertil Steril. 1999 Nov;72(5):817-22.
"Serum ionized magnesium and calcium and sex hormones
in healthy young men: importance of serum progesterone level"]

. there are no great quantitative differences in progesterone
between men and women
(at least outside the luteal phase).
[Aging Male. 2004 Sep;7(3):236-57.
Progesterone: the forgotten hormone in men?]

. a man's progesterone reduces DHT
which lowers the risk for prostate cancer.
[J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1974 Jan;38(1):142-7.
Inhibition of Testosterone Conversion to Dihydrotestosterone
in Men Treated Percutaneously by Progesterone]

a healthy male makes plenty of progesterone
but you won't find much in blood plasma
after dosing with a skin cream
because progesterone being fat soluble,
it rides on the lipid membranes of red blood cells;
it is usually detected by salivary testing.
[ Dr. John Lee 2002 ]

Hormone Balance for Men:
What your doctor may not tell you about
prostate health and natural hormone supplementation.
...including DHEA and progesterone.
[John R. Lee, M.D. 2003]

feels good in the nose.

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