
#altright the opposition is less evolved?

8.21: pol/purges/alt-right/
the opposition is less evolved?:
. a psych test of the alt-right
(primarily white nationalists)
asked how evolved various groups were;
their own group was more evolved than
the opposition (races, political groups):
Jewish people averaged a score of 74%
while "white people" got a 92%,
the highest average rating;
and Christians got 84%.
. the alt-right is notorious for chanting:
"Jews will not replace us";
which actually shows their true opinion
about who is more evolved
and whether that really matters;
because, in a nationalist world,
there is a place for every nation
(culture, language, religion);
in the currently dominant world,
ruled by globalized capitalism,
nations compete in the open market
and the most evolved nations are those
better adapted for the global market
and making more money to enhance their
political power, land ownership,
and population growth.
. in such a system of free capitalism
it is quite possible that
Jewish people and liberals
could utterly replace white Christians.
. the alt-right has also chanted
"white lives matter" in reference to
"black lives matter" in reference to
the ease with which police kill blacks.
. if all lives matter (all nations:
cultures, races, religions, languages)
what are we doing to ensure
that all have a place in this world
even if they are not the most evolved,
the best adapted to a free market?
. is evolution humane?

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