
to optimize a boy's IQ, avoid fluoridated water during pregnancy

2022.3.29: news.health/diet/fluoride/
to optimize a boy's IQ, avoid fluoridated water during pregnancy

. a lower IQ is what makes lead so dangerous,

increasing risky behaviors.

. if your region's water has high or added fluoride,

drinking that water while pregnant with a boy

will lower that boy's IQ.

tea is another major source of fluoride.

. this is not a call to end water fluoridation,

but to drink pure water during pregnancy.

is suicide rejected because we deserve to suffer?

2022.3.28: news.relig/christian/
is suicide rejected because we deserve to suffer?:

. a Tucson public radio story about dying,

said the nurses in a place of dying

will often hear "life review" stories

that are triggered when they ask a visitor:

"you know the dying better than anyone,

are they in need?" 

. when the reporter mentioned that

life review stories can be dark,

I imagined the spouse of the dying basically hinting 

that the dying deserved this medical suffering.

. we are told that suicide is killing,

and the god has a commandment against killing,

but actually the rule is about suffering:

you are allowed to kill if it will 

increase the suffering of the judged,

but not if it will end the suffering of the innocent.

. but are the terminally sick really innocent

in the eyes of the god?

. how many deadly medical conditions are due to 

ignorance of what is healthy,

or willful carelessness, or gluttony?


or you could see the god cares for us:

. how are we supposed to learn from medical research

unless the sick are pushed into experiments

rather than be allowed to euthanize their suffering?

. banning suicide is not about deserving to suffer,

but deserving knowledge and empowerment.


many blog pages crawled but excluded from Google's index

2022.3.27: mis.cyb/net.google/
many blog pages crawled but excluded from index:

 . I was hoping that google indexed everything 

so if I had a quote from my blog,
I would be able to find all of my articles
that mention that quote.
. but there are over 170 pages excluded from being indexed;
some of them are possibly too trivial,
and some may be seen as disinfo,
(or taking on forbidden points of view).
. I gathered all the suppressed pages on one page
so that I could analyze what could be wrong with them.


chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet

 2022.3.9: health/diet/omega-6/

chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet:

Dr. Chris Knobbe warns us that we are wrong about

omega-6 oil being healthy at higher doses.

AncestryFoundation 2021


Omega-6 Apocalypse 2 (AHS21)

Catherine Shanahan M.D. 2018: [ad]


Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. 


theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world

 2022.2.14: relig/liberal/
theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world:

. the word theodicy comes from


the title of a 1710 work by Leibniz,

to prove the justice of God in a world with

much moral and physical evil.

. the basic justice of the god obviously is

you will be punished with feelings of pain

if you are found to have put your body in danger

usually through your inability to control your environment.

. according to dream theory,


fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients

22.1.2:  2.8: news.health/diet/omega-3/heart
/fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients:

Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Feb


Effect of Omega-3 Dosage on Cardiovascular Outcomes: 

An Updated Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Interventional Trials.

Aldo A Bernasconi, et al.



"People should consider the benefits of omega-3 supplements,

at doses of 1000 to 2000 mg per day

-- far higher than what is typical, 

even among people who regularly eat fish."


the god of gods is the Lord of Armies

 2022.1.30: relig/judaism/the god of gods is the Lord of Armies:

. when I first heard of the god being referred to as

"Lord of armies",

I assumed it was just a way of saying

that we should fear the god because

it could call on foreign armies to invade us.

. but now I'm thinking it is related to

the reason the god is referred to as

the god of gods.


Helané Wahbeh`telepathy as one form of "channeling" "the Force That Connects Us All"

 2022.1.24: news.psy/schiz/Helané Wahbeh`
telepathy as one form of "channeling" "the Force That Connects Us All"

Wahbeh on the radio:


Dr. Helané Wahbeh, Director of Research at

the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS),


has a book in which she explains telepathy as

one form of "channeling" 

--which is consistent with my theory that

all forms of parapsychology

-- telepathy, prophets, evidence of 

reincarnation and the afterlife --

are actually communications with our god,

the Holy Spirit, the mind of the universe,

which includes Satan, the Great Deceiver.