Showing posts with label net. Show all posts
Showing posts with label net. Show all posts

2012-06-12's Dynamic Views

5.2: news.cyb/ Views:
. dynamic views allows your readers to
select a viewing mode
(list of entries, matrix of icons, etc);
. if you switch to the dynamic view
then you get a menu for changing views,
but you lose the view you have now !
. the way to get dynamic views
and still keep your old view,
is to make your own menu:
one of the widgets of the old view
allows you to list your favorite web pages;
you can fill this list with these links:

social sites promoting activism

5.12: sci.cyb/ promoting change:
. that first health article I found there
was their most impressive;
the others are triviage, like warning you that
fox news doesn't know what it's talking about
when they say you can live off rice & beans
(the point was that the cost of living isn't cheap
even if you replace meat with beans).
. some entries reminded me of twitter
without links: a one-liner to say an oil guy
is going to spend a year off the grid in alaska .
. lots of activism: not just stories, but also
suggestion of ways you can make a difference .
. seemed to spend a lot on gay rights
but maybe it's just a very big time for that issue
(today's buzz is about gay marriage,
which wouldn't even be an issue if our laws
didn't discriminate against singles .
. nobody but family can visit in some hospitals?
family can contest an inheritance
to a non-married partner ? )

5.19: news.cyb/
Democratization of the Innovation Funding Model:

Innovocracy =
the Democratization of the Innovation Funding Model
Do you dream of changing the world? is the place where
real innovators are working on
important life changing projects.
It’s a way for you to get involved in backing them .

unlimited free online storage

6.12: summary:
. there is plenty of free storage online:
2GB from dropbox
5GB from google's g'Drive
7GB from Microsoft's SkyDrive,
and 5GB sync'ing services from
Ubuntu One and Apple's iCloud;
iCloud doesn't sync just any folder:
it sync's your iWork doc's,
and 3rd party app's are free to sync
what's in their sandbox;
it also pushes your itune purchases
to all your devices .

. there are many more free sites too,
and, even some unlimited free plans
as long as you're publicly sharing your files,
or not using an ad'blocker, etc .

. DropBox and SkyDrive may be deleted
if not visited every 90 days;
google's gmail has an inactivity policy
but it's Drive service apparently does not .

5.5: news.cyb/net.dropbox/no passwords needed for hours!:
"( Why I switched from Dropbox to Windows Live Mesh ...)
. dropbox had an amazing lapse in security:
for several hours any password would open any acct!

facebook security options

6.12: summary:
. I enabled secure connection
so that facebook uses https
to encrypt the info it sends to me .
. while doing that I found an
even more important security feature:
if an attempt is made to log in
from a device I don't usually use,
they will text my cell phone
and ask me what was sent
to ensure the user also has my cell phone
as proof it is really me .


monetizing with Amazon`associates program

proj.addn/net.blogger`amazon program/experience with the amazon link maker:

. every time you edit or create a blog,
the amazon search box is there to help you
to find products and create special links;
eg, for "Fagor Futuro 6 Quart Pressure Cooker" $135.79 .
it makes a link like
. or
if you have it add a link & image,
then the image's link is like:
. editing a cooking gear blog,
I found the link maker worked as expected:
I had high-lighted some text
and hoped it would turn it into a link,
or since I'd selected a link,
I hoped it might just replace the link
(not the selected text on top)
and, it does do just that !
. actually, it leaves your old link in place
but with no text,
so, you may want to remove the link first,
if you don't want cluttered html code .]
. if you don't have any text selected,
then where your cursor is,
it inserts the name of the product with a link .
. I intended to amazon-link everything that
actually has such a reference;
eg, "(an AM radio) got linked to the
actual unit I used that is
also available from amazon:
Sony-WMFS497-Sports-Walkman .
. at the bottom of the blog
I would also use Amazon Link&Image
to create ad's of the product I'd reviewed,
[7.20: and anything I'd mentioned
whether or not I tried the product .]
[7.31: also, use a link for a book
that has a good source of info .]


wrestling with facebook app's

4.2: proj.addn/net.facebook.familylink
mom and ellen:

. part of facebook is an app familylink
-- so I can link to fam wo calling them friends!
send relative request to
any facebook friends that are also family .
. familylink does some completely monstrous scripting!
it has a dialog window that keeps minimizing
so I can't respond to it! ??
ask chrome to do it !!
ok .
. try to get more contacts;
strangely its search for facebook users
only works if they're already signed up to familylink
or if you give their email ? don't do that .

. maybe I should tell all my relatives
that it's available;
then I would need to waste time
seeing if it worked in their browser too (safari) .
. I got 2 of them linked up,
maybe they can help move the idea .

using links it knows:
. going back to clagget's page
where I first saw the family app,
I notice one facebook friend is using the service
and from there I can see
that if you know the person,
then their fam list acts like a friends list,
but it's unstable:
sometimes it takes you to their facebook page,
and other times -- even for the same person --
it just takes you to your own fam page .

gathering links:
. requested familylink additions by
familylinks related to a facebook friend
who are also my family: heidi, art .
. added familylinks to any family I could reach
via facebook {family, friends} of friends:
maya, monet, eliot, maria, edie, sarah,
and marge herself .
-- prev'ly done are: ellen, mom .

4.3: mis: what a clunker!:
. every fam member is listed as I suggested
except mom, now I don't see any way to
identify her relation;
it prefers to wait for her confirmation?
it accepted ellen's labeling as cousin .
. added dad as divorced to mom
but not as linked into facebook .
. when you add a relation by drag,
then if the gui stops working (cursor disappears),
then up at menu of page, try switching view;
then the redraw recoordinates everything .
. all the facebooks in familylink are treed now
adding some nodes that are not in facebook:
sally, mom's parents, art french .
[5.18: art french is on facebook a while now]

4.3: mis: gui mystery:
. how do I get a family-link box
on the side of my facebook page?
easy to remove most boxes ... .

4.3: proj: gathering links/miles french:
. added mom`miles french as cousin once removed .
4.3: proj: gathering links/megan strand:
. is there any way to update ellen's relation?
[her familylink shows no relation until she ok's it;
but she ignored the invite .]
. added mom`sister`megan strand as cousin once removed .

4.2: proj.addn/net.facebook.circlefriends:

Welcome to Circle of Friends! To: New Users! Thanks for signing up for Circle of Friends,
the best way to organize your friends based on
why they're important to you.
To help you get started,
we've created two ways to organize your friends.
Try them both and see which one works best for you.
Create a New Circle is pretty straightforward...
it lets you name a circle
and put your friends in it.
Suggested Circles searches through your friends' profiles
to find people with similar interests or backgrounds.
Browse through them to find the circles that are right for you!
To allow for easy access to your circles,
when you go back to your profile,
find the application and drag it
to the top of your profile page.
Mike, Ephraim, and Ben
The Circle of Friends Team
If you like the application, click here to become a fan. It is easy!
If you have any suggestions on
how we can improve the application
(like what you want to add to each circle page
or things you would like to share with different circles),
feel free to start a discussion on it.

start a discussion#is this betaware?:
. some of the time when you choose an icon
the selection is ignored;
and other times it doesn't stick,
instead being replaced by the generic close-friends icon .
. I'm using chrome on mac .

I con icons!:
. used circle of friends app to org friends into contexts:
Magruder High School 1978
Norbeck Meadows, Rockville, Md, USA
Wash.DC, USA 1970's
Torrance-Winter family
. getting this circlefriends app to work was such a pain!
. half the time the icon's weren't as expected,
then you understand why when it warns you that what you upload
should be owned by you
and, not be a copy of trademarks like simpson cartoons .
. they're showing you a bunch of
what they already know is owned!
. the stupidest thing about that app
is that the face icons look just like facebook friends
but they are not hypelinked to a popup
that would introduce the face's public info .

4.2: mis.addn/net.facebook/comments do stick:
. not sure why my comment to allen's didn't stick,
but I reposted it directly on his page .
. oh, now I'm seeing both posted on my page,
so, I'm deleting the first one,
since it had a syntax error .

4.3: mis.addn/facebook`
sidebar's [create a profilebadge

. I was hoping a "(profile badge)
would let me move my to a sidebar box;
but it did offer a pleasant suprise:
it let me add a facebook splash to my sites .


net tripping

1.1: proj.addn/ your privacy settings:
[not sure about how this turned out;
alarmed that there was no way give just friends my b'day;
must have been that I gave a false one]
Here are your new settings:
Everyone can see:
* About me
* Education and Work
Friends of Friends can see:
* Photos and Videos of Me
* Birthday
* Religious and Political Views
Your custom settings were preserved for:
... [other things] .

1.6: mis.addn/ fails:
. tried to blog failed,
ok after got all pages to save to draft,
then got all drafts published later .

1.18: mis.addn/net/linked to unpublished knol:
. sent knol link to many
only to find later it was not yet published
-- may do well with general rule of
test important links in strange browser
before sending them .

1.19: sci.addn/
. has twitter? twitter has new feature"lists?
my acct is on lists? 4:

1.24: proj.addn/`interests updated:
. be careful with the commas,
because the keywords help people find other bloggers
with similar interests .
* software engineering
* preventive health
* isotonics (weightlifting without gear)
* hormonics (hormonally balancing nutrition)
* productivity enhancement
* velomobile
* human-powered cars
* recumbent
* tadpole
* trikes
. removed some paren's since many others are interested in
trikes and recumbents .

1.26: web.addn/
. her diet seems ho-hum,
but she's got a perfect hdl/ldl .
. she has a discussion board where people are
ranked {scholar, intellectual, thinker};
there is discussion of big bang,
but she was not part of it .
. her articles (which include the comment on big bang)
are at
but the googles go further back than 2009
when addressed that way, if at all .


jury duty in the age of internet

rn.pol/jury for misdemeaner is a waste:
. one writer laments how expensive the jury system,
being used even for petty misdemeaners ?
. we need to get all people involved by internet
for easier access to many opinions of those interested in jury duty .
. doing it by internet would let people stay home,
and interact in the process they way they wanted to .
. many people don't listen well,
and they need to have a recording they can replay,
or have it transcribed to text for reading .
. they have some unbelievable fairness rules,
vaguely recall they said not to write any notes down,
as it was important to memorize all the reams of junk they throw at you
and not let notes bias against what you might hear later .
. the jury system I saw reminded of sports
continuing to use umpires when we now have video
. and what kind of justice is served with circumstancial evidence?
this place is planet of the apes .

cell texting spam costs

11.16: proj.gear/cell/how to control text msg's?:

Here are some ways to block mobile phone spam,
also known as SMS spam or m-spam.
They're not perfect, but they might hold you over until
spam-blocking technology catches up with mobile phones.
# Dispute your cell phone bill. If spammers continue to get through,
you may be able to convince the carrier to
drop the charges associated with those messages.
You have a better chance at this if you call as soon as your receive the spam.[3]

to block text messages from up to ten telephone numbers or email addresses; you can also change preferences on your handset
(VirginXL or VirginXtras > Messaging > Messaging Management).

* Registering your phone on the National Do Not Call Registry
only prevents phone calls, not text messages.
* Do not respond to text message spam,
because usually the first time is random numbers being tested for responses.
If you do respond to a spam message,
you may inadvertently sign yourself up for additional spam messages
as many times spammers can
and will sell your digits to other spammers.
Don't take their bait.
Report problems. File a complaint with the FCC by filling out online form 1088.

you can also register your cell number
to block telemarketers from sending communications of any type to your cell account.

Step Two: Make Sure Your Information is Correct
Please check your phone number(s) and email address below. If they are correct, click Register to continue. To make a correction, click Change.
Your email address MUST be correct to process your registration.

You have submitted your phone number(s) for registration in the National Do Not Call Registry. You will receive an email from To complete your registration, you must open the email and click on the link provided.
Important: If you do not click on the link in the email within 72 hours, your phone number will not be registered.
Troubleshooting: If you don't get a "Registration Complete" message after clicking on the link, or the link does not work, use your "copy" and "paste" functions to insert the entire link in the email into the "Address" line on your Web browser. Copy and paste the entire link - it's long. Do not re-type it.
This browser window does not need to remain open to complete the registration process. Do Not Call Registry - OPEN AND CLICK on Link to Complete Your Registration:
Click on the link to complete your request to register your phone number with the last four digits 5159 on the National Do Not Call Registry.
Important: You must respond to this email by clicking the link within 72 hours for your registration to be successful.
Important: After you click on the link, print the web page and keep it for your records.
Troubleshooting: If you don't get a "Registration Complete" message after clicking on the link, or the link does not work, use your "copy" and "paste" functions to insert the entire link in the email into the "Address" line on your Web browser. Copy and paste the entire link - it's long. Do not re-type it.
You have registered the following telephone number in the National Do Not Call Registry:
(520) 982-5159
Please print a copy of this page for your records.

1. You may file a complaint if you received an unwanted call
after your number was on the National Registry for 31 days.
2. You may also file a complaint if you received a call that used
a recorded message instead of a live person
(whether or not your number was on the Registry).
*Reminder: Even if your number is registered,
companies with which you do business may continue to call you.
So may charities, political organizations, and telephone surveyors.
for more information about the companies
that may continue to call the numbers on the Registry.
Click on Privacy and Security to learn how the information you provide is used.

I recently received about 5 spam text messages in the span of a couple of days
and do not have a text plan.
I had registered my cell number on the Do Not Call list
and could not find any info at the Do Not Call website
about the law applying to text messages, so I called the FTC.
being registered applied to spam texts? no.
I hope that more people call the FTC and complain about spam texts
and with any luck the law will change to include them.
As other people have mentioned, spam email and phone calls, to land lines,
don't cost anything, but text messages do.
The practice of sending spam texts to cell phones
is costing people money and the law should protect us from it.
If you are receiving unwanted text messages ("spam"),
contact the source and unsubscribe or remove your mobile phone number from the service.
You will not be charged for Virgin Mobile service alerts.
You have the ability to block text messages
from up to ten telephone numbers or email addresses
by visiting the Messaging Settings page on the Virgin Mobile website
( You may edit your preferences at any time.
Unsolicited Messages
If you intentionally send spam from your Virgin Mobile phone,
we may terminate your service without further notice. plan!: 2min: cell: non-contract phone oh!

figuring out I have the No Annual Contract:

. they did disable my ability to accept (or give) text msg's?
woo hoo! I've always been a big fan of vm,
and I'll really be rededicating those efforts -- that was great!
. ok thank for [...] because we are giving good advice .... to you .

. I can get on the site after it's been upgraded,
in any case they did recognize my number and pass by phone;
. amazed they were able to disable txt msg'ing:
that was eerily easy ... wouldn't have expected that .


11.28: apt`wildlife chickens:
category:pets & animals
free range chicken.AVI -- free range chicken
star free ranger.AVI -- free range chicken with star feathering apt`wildlife chickens:

health note to

. the wealthy are known to get less cancers
and that is because their occupational hazards are less
and their diet is better:
more on seafood -- a sure source of selenium-cysteine compounds --
less glycemic load, and less emotional stress
-- hormone modulators that have a huge impact on cancer risk . preventives are found in real lifestyle changes:
#hormonics comment on "Medicines to Deter Some Cancers Are Not Taken" [was]

review Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach


take your cheap selenium supplement (2stars)
(tags: selenium, selenite, selenate, glutathione peroxidase, cysteine, egg, yolk)

. although much of this research is out-dated,
the one advice they gave that still stands is:
. if you do nothing else,
take a cheap selenium supplement (sodium selenite)
[11.6: (but use selenate not selenite)]
and don't be afraid of egg yolks .
. later they commented in an interview
that the most out-dated thing about the book
was its heavy reliance on anti-oxidant theory,
whereas glycemic load plays a much greater role in current research .

review Kochan`Programming Objective C 2.0
(review of Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition))
-- review not accepted by
[programming is: fun!] (5stars)
(tags: iphone, beginners, objective-c, mac programming) flushed book's downloads

11.1: anguish/bk"Vermont Recipes resources flushed:

. explore being shut down,
view owner scott anguish at twitter/sanguish Recipes for Mac OS X: the vermont recipes:
interesting history (1 star)
(tags: cocoa, advanced)
. the book gives a bad link to the source code download;
as of Halloween 2009, Scott Anguish has emptied that site
leaving nothing but a link to the site of the newest cocoa book:
and another link to his twitter account
where he describes himself as depressed, disgruntled employee .
. I did find another source for both the source code
and a beta version of the book itself in pdf format;
but he does sound intent on finding such sources and removing them .
(that site also had the errata sheet, which I copied from google's cache) .

. I gave this book one star simply to
bring that little surprise to much attention;
otherwise, I still think it's a good deal,
since Apple's SDK and my other textbooks give plenty of source code;
while this book warns you to study obj'c coding elsewhere
and then talks you through the many cocoa idioms .

. my intended route for using this book
will be (in this order):
and, finally,

. interestingly,
Scott Anguish (who dumped the sample code site)
coauthored [Cocoa Programming] with Erik Buck
and it is Buck's [Cocoa Design Patterns]
that will have convinced many of us to 2nd-rate Anguish's [Cocoa Programming]
-- an otherwise legendary book .

[12.30: I had used Google's cache of
but have since found this site works:
as do these links for various downloads:

11.1: Cocoa Recipes old downloads:

11.30: sci.addn/

mis.addn/net.g' mode is not straight:
. when I would use <...> in the text,
it would give it a special meaning,
so then I used an html editor to make the string
& l t ; ... & g t ;
and used blogger's html mode to insert it:
this resulted in yet another monstrosity !
. I then used the mac symbol picker to choose some unicode <> pairs
that were not ascii, but the same shape only in a bold font .
. so I pasted that html code using html mode,
and it's html mode was adding br.tags after every newline;
which of course was causing double spacing everywhere .
. so then I had to bring the code into a temp edit page,
and replace all the br.tags with blanks .
. interestingly I must have came across the same problem
without even crying about it -- or remembering it .
. my reaction that time was to replace the <...> with italics .
. ironic, I forgot running into this problem,
and my first encounter was smarter than my 2nd!:
6.23/mis.addn/net.g'blog/importing html:
. the copy from seamonkey code to blog messed up, adding newlines,
try saving the page and then opening with firefox,
then copying the page normally (not by view-copying code)
and see if it saves the links and other html .
12.15: mis.addn/{net.g'blog, mac}/strange mac char's:
. when having trouble with brackets in g'blogger's editor:
I replaced them with a unicode that didn't turn out well later
atleast when viewed from a pc -- using either {chrome, seamonkey }.
. worse, I saved the page as the html I posted,
so, my local copy looks like a mess too! .
. I edited both by replacing the brackets with italics font,
or if they were something like <...> or <> then I used [/]x .

12.22: news.addn/ meaning of open:
Posted: 21 Dec 2009 03:17 PM PST
The Official Google Blog
date Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:08 AM
subject Official Google Blog
That's why we have a team
— the Data Liberation Front ( —
whose job it is to make "checking out" easy.
Recent examples of their work include Blogger
(people who choose to leave Blogger for another service
can easily take their content with them) .

12.28: web.addn/ angle brackets:
. yea! my problem at has a solution I can find!
has this solution:
Example 4: If your code already has html entities escaped,
use escaped="true" as an option;
. surround your code with this:
<pre lang="xml" escaped="true">
and replace left angle brackets with the usual html code & l t ;, etc .

WOT bookmarklet for Safari and Opera

11.3: news.addn/mac.safari/security/WOT bookmarklet for Safari and Opera:
. If you are using Safari or Opera, you can add the WOT bookmarklet
to your browser simply by dragging this link to your bookmarks.
Using the bookmarklet is simple:
click the bookmark and it will display a WOT popup on the page,
showing ratings for the current site. Another click will hide the popup.
This gives you an easy access to WOT reputation data,
although you won't be able to give your own ratings.

why is mac firewall off by default?

11.3: web.addn/mac/why mac firewall off by default?:
. wonder why the firewire was off?
the next article reminds me that I used to know
my router has a hardware-based firewall built-in,
and if there is any problems with the likes of skype,
just turn off the computer's firewall and leave that job to your router .
For even better security,
particularly at home on a broadband connection such as cable or DSL internet,
get a combo NAT gateway for yourself. Next to a VCR,
these little "black boxes" are the technology bargain of the decade.
Installing one between your home computer or network
and your broadband modem will give you a two-tiered level of firewalling.
We suggest that you select the Enable Stealth Mode check box.
It doesn't have many side-effects,
unless you want people to be able to perform stealth scans of your Mac.


comparing mac app catalogs

10.17: sci,news.addn/net.mac'app lib/apple has the best?:
. apple has the best app exhibition? ...
. takes some getting used to;
eg, asked for html editor,, uh, total insanity:
. here is normal relevance:
and here for insanely relevant:


sidewiki'oriented blogging:
. select some of the text,
hit the sidewiki.button,
there's a pencil.icon on the side you can press,
and it opens an entry:
"(Write an entry about: helpful information with)
[@] (the text I selected)
obj'oriented blogging:
. now all the parts of all blogs about a page
can reside with that object, rather than be author-oriented .