Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts


Rush's dem's are hiding class warfare platform

9.19: co.apt/pol/Rush's dem's are hiding class warfare platform:

. Rush claims the dem's are "(hiding) the fact
that they are presenting the nation's problem
as class warfare? it's obvious!
that's the ticket they ran on;
and, in fact, it's the very reason
that the Rush conservatives will
routinely sneer about dem's being socialists:
that's what "(liberal) means!
how could they hide a class warfare platform?
that's what socialism is!


frankenberry lives after golfcart nightmare

7.2: news.pol/obama/frankenberry lives after golfcart nightmare:
Franken Berry Cereal 9.6 oz - 4 Unit Pack. on Whad'Ya Know? Live, (RealAudio)
Michael Feldman was asked about
frankenberry cereal being discontinued;
. wiki sources say the strawberry-flavored
corn and marshmallows cereal
is still in production .
. the myth was addressed at
"( Contrary to popular belief
Franken Berry and Boo Berry
have not been discontinued.
They are just not as popular as Count Chocula
so they get a more sporadic nationwide release.
Best time to look for them?
Halloween, of course.)
. similarly themed cereals that were discontinued
# ('83) Fruit Brute:
Monster Cereal TrilogyFrosted fruit-flavored cereal
with lime flavored marshmallows .
with a Werewolf Mascot .
# ('93) Fruity Yummy Mummy:
Frosted fruit-flavored cereal
with vanilla-flavored marshmallows .
. other such cereals still in production
include Count Chocula, and Boo Berry .

General Mills FrankenBerry Cereal, 9.6 oz (Pack of 6). Feldman has been attacked by 
anti-liberals on his show
and our most popular breakfast berry
is the nearly-obama-colored blueberry,
so, it occured to me this was a joke about
Obama's serial presidency plans
 being discontinued .

. in the same program,
'Reckless Golfcart' Wall Decal - 18"W x 18"H Removable GraphicFeldman had a political routine where
callers were asked if they had seen any
congressmen on the road .
. the final entry of that joke sequence
was that Obama and his VP
 were seen on a golfcart
with a sign that read "(fool and tool) .

. the golf cart joke may refer to a ridiculed
tax rebate for road-worthy golfcarts .
. that was back in 2009,
but is painfully relevant now
as a republican congress threatens to
deny raising the debt limit ceiling .
. the golf cart was news again June 18
when the top leaders of both parties
had a round of golf at a time when the hot policy
included the debt ceiling
and the Libya actions that Congress was against .
Rules for Radical Conservatives: Beating the Left at Its Own Game to Take Back AmericaThe Excruciating History of Dentistry: Toothsome Tales & Oral Oddities from Babylon to Braces


mired if the savior succeeds

Population Matters: Demographic Change, Economic Growth, and Poverty in the Developing World6.29: pol/obamanomics/
we're mired if the savior succeeds:

. Obama spoke to the people about the
repub's obstructing a debt limit raise
for this strange low point involving
both a depression needing gov jobs,
and a jobs-saving bail out of many industries
who were mass-rolled by an unregulated,
shark-tanked finance sector .
. he spoke of congress as if they were
Obamanomics: How Bottom-Up Economic Prosperity Will Replace Trickle-Down Economics (Economics in the Obama Presidency)one entity -- ignoring the usa habit of
punishing one party by
voting in the opposite party .

. that opacity was to substantiate his
next point:
the debt limit is not an issue of
what to buy;
these are bills that one congress
has already agreed to pay;
and now the issue with this limit is
Europe's Promise: Why the European Way Is the Best Hope in an Insecure Agewhich bills would they prefer to pay ?

. bond interests to chinese loans?
or social security checks?
-- that kind of choice
( this example could be reminding us
that we could avoid these chinese loans
by agreeing to pay more taxes;
but there's no use asking for taxes now:
a good gov gets a surplus in good times
and these times are not those times).

Depression For Dummies. doing more to promote employment
would ease our unemployment costs
and contribute to the tax base;
if markets become spooked by news of
a usa who suddenly won't pay its bills,
that could be very bad for jobs .

. Obama is not addressing
the main issue:
repub's are trying to force a smaller fed
by strangling its income:
both taxes and loans are being restricted
at a time of depression in which
the only savior in town would be
the gov taking out loans to create jobs .
American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century
. yet the conservatives may be
indirectly correct:
what if there really is
no savior possible because
if you dig us out of this depression
we'll only worsen the main problem:
it's a fluff economy trying to
fig-leaf an overpopulation problem .
. free parenting must think we asked for
more free employees
or revolutionaries .
pop'con strike you as
racist or commy?
. free capitalists already have
what they want,
so how could the next revolutionaries
possibly be up to some good?
. what is there to want
after you've asked for free capitalism ?
. we desperately need help with
either lowering population growth
or distributing wealth .
. lowering population growth is so taboo
that conservatives can't even mention it;
any time they want to say something like
"(conservatives will put pressure on
lowering population growth)
they instead speak about
how liberals must be kept from
distributing wealth .
Response to Occupational Health Hazards: A Historical Perspective (Industrial Health & Safety). any time conservatives want to say
"(conservatives will now engage in
acts of lowering population growth)
they remind us that conservatism is about
reducing gov regulation and oversight
of occupational hazards,
foods that cause cancer and heart disease,
energy sources that raise mercury levels,
and a get-em-movin' traffic light system
Traffic fatalities and economic growth [An article from: Accident Analysis and Prevention]that kills 40,000 per year
when they could instead use
a rotary or roundabout
see how that works
for conservatives?
spend tax dollars this year
or kill an entire usa town
every year ... .
. conservatism may also be big on wars
but they aren't the only ones;
and, being giants of high-tech,
our wars hardly put a dent
in our population growth .

. there's a popular delusion that
strong family values built this country;
in fact,
the overcrowding in our mother countries
was landing desperadoes into a huge land
with no recognizable people in it !
the luck of the pilgrim was
nothing more than instant depopulation:
resources per person were infinite;
everyone had a job packaging resources .
. but a capitalism that is run well
should run us out of all jobs
within a century (welcome home).
. the next big thing will be
floating cities on oceans,
and defending the land-based cities
with solar-energized robotics .


dreamed Obama's been divorced

11.5.5: pol/dreamed Obama's been divorced:

. I'm not recalling dreams too well these days,
but I had a vague memory of another memory
of dreaming about Obama
having a divorced wife who was angry with him .

. my caffeinated interpretations stirred:
the only thing like a divorce in his life
has been a trivial association with Islam
resulting in a "(conversion) to Christianity;
. before I researched this article
I was under the impression he was raised Islamic;
and, in places where Osama bin Laden ruled,
conversions might have had you killed;
so, in my dreams the night before,
the idea of an Obama conversion from Islam
was just as loaded as a divorce .

. next I was reminded that today's Christians
-- as Obama is a proud member of --
have divorced themselves from
the realities of what JC would have wanted .

. the usa's war in Afghanistan
is an obvious display of
revenge-style justice
in contrast to prevention-style
where we promise better airport security .
(what could be bring more closure
than "(that aweful crime
will never happen again!) ?
. now, it's no accident that
every usa president
has claimed to be a Christian;
because, usa is 75% Christian;
yet, these same revenge-seeking masses
present JC as loving the whole world
implying they expect us to
turn the other cheek for the whole world .

in fact, JC said this of revenge-style justice:
. for family dealing with family,
you should turn the other cheek,
rather than take an eye for an eye;
(Matthew 5:38-42, Luke 6:27-31) .
(in the case of non-family,
JC might still take eye for eye
-- or an Osama for a suicide bomber).
. but JC didn't just turn cheek for family;
he was also meek toward the fed's too;
yes, but that was just to stay focused on
making his persecuters look unfair;
elsewhere he does explicitely say
he's all about how family treats family .

. it all works out for Christianity, however;
because, the Christians are doing
what JC would actually do,
rather than what they [/]claim JC would do .
in fact,
JC didn't intend anything like Christianity
as it exists today;
he would not have worshipped a son of g-d
as being a facet of g-d
(except, of course, in as much as
anybody is the will of {g-d, satan});
and, he wasn't being worshipped:
people magically followed JC around
only because
Jews followed rabbis around .
. he was a good Jew, making Jews better!
-- his self-sacrificing protests were for
The Least of These Jews -- not the world .

. when today's Christianity claims that
JC intended on saving everyone;
that implies a follower should
turn the other cheek for everyone;
therefore, a Christian's response to 9/11
should have been non-violent;
so, just logically,
today's Christian would have provided
better airport security
and pleaded with the Zionists
to relocate near Christians who love them .
. but this is not
what usa's Christian wants .

. again, the Christians are doing
what JC would actually do:
“Render unto Caesar
the things which are Caesar’s,
and unto g-d
the things that are g-d’s”
-- Matthew 22:16-22
. JC never said he was
proud to fund Caesar's Roman federation;
those people were just the ugly reality
not the family he would die for .
. likewise, Islamic terrorists are not family;
they are just another federation attempt;
and while usa's Christians are following Christ,
Christianity's story is just lost in the weeds .

true healing:
. the sweetest revenge is
living en masse in wealthy peace,
my fellow revenge-loving proliferators .
. an Americanized (scienphilic) Islam
could emphasize the rational;
and make the dictatorial irrelevant .
. to the Islamic teen on the street
usa could look like the real Islam
-- no longer the Zionist installer
or Osama puller .
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and InheritanceThe Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (Vintage)