
a new beginning with Ian Cooper

2022.10.2: news.psy/schiz/
a new beginning with Ian Cooper 2021:

. this is my summary of a book by Ian Cooper,

One and All: A Spiritual Perspective on Getting Along 

[ad] https://amzn.to/3UYkc6f

. this book caught my eye because the intro claimed

"We are not who we think we are"

which reminded me of being born-again aware of a god.


emotion control with Dialectical Behavior Therapy

 2022.9.30: news.psy/
emotion control with Dialectical Behavior Therapy:

psychiatry prof Maria Clarke 2022


DBT skills workbook in 7 weeks: 

Use Dialectical Behavior Therapy to overcome negativity, 

manage your emotions and improve your relationships. 

. prof Clarke successfully treated her own emotional pain

with a program designed to treat Borderline Personality Disorder.

. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (finding the middle ground)

is based on cognitive behavioral therapy

and dhamma, the teachings of Bhudda.

. it involves meditation, controlled breathing, journaling, 

exposure to intense exercise, temperature extremes,

and alternating between tensing and relaxing each muscle group.

. there are many techniques for negotiating with

your emotion maker and other relationships;

eg, part of self-respect is not relating to those who

require us to change our values or lie about them:

"it's ok to walk away from a toxic relationship".

the Sense of Being Stared At: And Other Unexplained Powers of Human Minds [ad]


emotion control strategies by Jennifer N. Smith 2020

2022.9.27: news.psy/emotion control strategies/
Jennifer N. Smith 2020:

How to Control your Emotions: Effective Ways to Maintain Your Cool 

When The Situation Demands It (Improve Yourself Everyday Book 1) 

https://amzn.to/3EfZjO3 [ad]

 a summary and critique:


#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again

2022.9.18: web.pol/edu/vouchers/
#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again:

. with expanded vouchers, the newer public schools

may have trouble repaying construction bonds.

. other than that, vouchers could be good

for promotion of gun-resistant and mind-liberating 



Chuck Norris anti-aging diet

2022.9.15: health/diet/Chuck Norris anti-aging diet:

Chuck's 3 keys to healthy aging:

1: healthy microbiome: 

needs probiotics and prebiotics

(onion and Jerusalem artichoke inulin)

2: superfoods: barley grass, kale, alfalfa.

3: rapid aging fix: ashwagandha,
and bovine collagen peptides.


David Leonard 2022 Good Lord

 2022.9.12: news.wealth/music/psy/schiz/
David Leonard 2022`Good Lord:

. David Leonard's 2022 song, "Good Lord"

could have been about schizophrenia

(about telepathy with our god).

. he is glad to know the god;

but deeply embarrassed about what he has been;

and wishing he could warn others:

the god is easiest on those who have been

good all the time, 

not just good after meeting the god.


bone and muscle boosters

 2022.8.22: health/diet/osteo/hormonics/
bone and muscle boosters:

. one of the best things you can do for bones

is getting vitamin k2 to keep the calcium 

from being pulled out of bones by vitamin D.

Vitamin K2 doses need to much higher than vitamin K1 doses,

and I found only one supplement that provides a dose

proven effective in studies:

Life Extension Mega Vitamin k2, 45,000 micrograms of the mk4 form of K2.



flat-free tires

 2022.7.2: web.gear/bike/flat-free tires:

. solid tires are slower with

a much higher resistance to rolling

because they don't conform to bumps,

but I have felt such a sense of security

knowing that my commute to work 

will not be slowed by a flat repair,

which can get messy and complicated,

not sure to succeed.

I've gotten a lot of mileage out of amerityre


but they have made some design changes

since the tires I've tried.

. a folding bike I'm considering

comes with:

Muffin® Airless tires installed/$149


. another great choice is Tannus.