Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts


arizona will be literally green

3.15: pol/arizona will be literally green:
. arizona will be literally green
when we get that green tech going:
. with unlimited sun energy,
we will pump water from the oceans to the deserts .
. but earthquakes will crack our pipes ? ...
leave the pipes disconnected with waterfalls !


overhead book holder for recliner

proj.gear/overhead book holder for recliner:
. hey! just what I was looking for,
just hanging around:
. an acrylic sheet sized to shelve an open book
so I could lay down with a hanging laptop
typing in notes and ideas from book .
. I'd been using the sheet as a roof finish for the sanctum
it was also heavy and would weigh down curtain rods
-- phone books will do that now .
. after cleaning it's still a bit fogged from scratches,
I think I found it in the yard, has some cracks too .
. the rest is easy:
having grilled shelves for an earthquake sanctum
is making it easy to position rope
for hanging gear around me as I lay in my cot
with the keyboard warm inside my sleepingbag .
try shifting it closer to laptop screen,
rearrange it to minimize in-view scratches,


genetically modified alfalfa looms over grassfed animal products

2.24: news.pol/gmo/USDA must not approve GE alfalfa:

from Center for Food Safety
date Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:05 AM
subject Tell Congress to Hold USDA Accountable!

Call your Senators and Representative today and say
USDA must not approve GE alfalfa!

Monsanto wants to sell its genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa
and wants the USDA to approve its permit application,
but consumers, farmers, dairies, and food companies
dont want GE alfalfa plants and seeds released into the environment.

USDA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) admits
that if GE alfalfa is approved:
* GE Contamination of non-GE and organic alfalfa crops will occur
* GE contamination will economically impact small and family farmers
* Foreign export markets will be at risk due to rejection of GE contaminated products
* Farmers will be forced to use more toxic herbicides to remove old stands of alfalfa

Yet, unbelievably, USDA has decided that these impacts are insignificant!
And, USDA intends to approve Monsanto's Roundup Ready GE alfalfa anyway.

Call your Congressional Representatives today
and ask them to hold USDA accountable
by contacting Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack
and urging him to deny approval of Monsanto's GE alfalfa!

Tell them that you DO NOT support the deregulation of GE alfalfa,
for the following reasons:
* GE contamination of non-GE and organic crops would be inevitable
* You won't buy products that are GE-contaminated
* Alfalfa is a major food source for livestock
and GE alfalfa would destroy the integrity of organic dairy products
* You support the rights of farmers to grow the crops of their choice,
and GE contamination makes that impossible
* Ask your Representative and Senators to contact Secretary Vilsack
and urge him to deny USDA approval of Monsanto's GE alfalfa

Then email us at
and tell us who you called
and let us know what kind of response you got!

In 2006, the Center for Food Safety (CFS)
sued the Department of Agriculture (USDA)
for its illegal approval of Monsanto's
genetically engineered (GE) Roundup Ready alfalfa.
USDA failed to conduct an environmental impact statement (EIS)
before deregulating the crop, as required by law.
An EIS is a rigorous analysis of the potential significant
environmental, health, and economic impacts of a federal decision,
mandated under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The federal courts sided with CFS
and banned GE alfalfa until the USDA fully analyzed
the impacts of the GE plant on the environment, farmers, and the public
in an EIS.

USDA released its draft EIS on December 14, 2009.
A 75-day comment period is now open until 3 March, 2010.
CFS has begun analyzing the EIS
and it is clear that the USDA,
in its recommendation to approve GE alfalfa,
has not taken into consideration the concerns of
non-GE alfalfa farmers, dairies, exporters, retailers or consumers ...
In fact, their [current] EIS states that consumers
don't care if their organic food is GE contaminated
and neither do organic farmers,
as long as farmers employ the organic practices required
under the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA).
Obviously, this is not true
and we need to push our Congressional representatives
to call upon USDA to deny the approval of GE alfalfa.
. review the EIS and other documents .

USDA must not approve GE alfalfa Tell-a-friend!

2.24: that could get worse under gmo?:
. one of the hazards when gmo's involve gene shifting
is that the toxins and allergens already in the plant
can become more potent or effectively administered .
. natural toxins from alfalfa include medicarpin and Canavanine .
. medicarpin is useful for reducing plant population densities;
it's found in soils of the mature plant .
. Canavanine, an arginine analog,
is practically found only in the seed currently .

2.25: pol/gmo/gm-alfalfa invading organics:
. instead of beating the dead horse of anti-gmo,
we should push organics toward adopting
greenhouse technology,
both as a way of controling insects physically,
and for protecting crop genetics by
filtering out pollen vectors .

2.26: co.pol/gmo/ invading organics:
If you want to avoid GMO's in Canada and USA
you need to buy organic since we don't label them here.
There are lobby groups trying to get the government to
label food products as GMO
but the companies against it have stronger lobby boards
that argue it will cause unnecessary fear among citizens.
my reply:
. If you want to avoid GMO's you need to buy organic ?
that won't work in the usa soon:
they are now approving GE alfalfa
(see Center for Food Safety)
. this is sure [to] end organic meats
unless organic turns to air-filtered greenhousing
[2.28: or gmo can be considered organic].

2.28: pol/gmo/organic meat is not grassfed:
. organic meat is not worth fighting gmo's about
because really healthy meat should be
completely grass fed,
whereas organics can be grain-feed .
. grassfed will not be an economic reality until
the entire world downsizes population -- faght chance --
so, instead of worrying about gmo silage,
the health-conscious among us
should instead be resigned to a meatless future;
(see legumes offering complete protein
-- black beans and kidney beans);
however, as with solar energy,
the production of eggs is within the grasp of homeowners,
and we should structure locals law so as to
encourage the production of homegrown grassfed eggs .
. most homes are far away from the industrial farmers
where most of the gmo silage usage will be contracted,
therefore, they are the best place to raise healthy eggs .


santa man v1.0 -- a walk through the monsanto park

1.27: santa man v1.0 -- a walk through the monsanto park

. Health and Wellness Product Information Group asks:
should we eat gmo's?
should gmo's eat us!
-- look at this vid: Controlling Our Food
On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television
- a documentary that Americans won’t ever see.
The gigantic bio-tech corporation Monsanto
is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity
which has served mankind for thousands of years.
. gmo is about patentable seeds,
so you know when you don't have gmo because
really only when the seed sale is free of
contracts prohibiting saving crops for seed .
[1.30: ... and when there is
no similar gmo crop growing upwind .]
. in processed food things won't be labeled in usa,
though they are in europe .
. in 1992 George Bush Senior signed an executive order
that genetically engineered food
be equal to non-genetically modified food .
. the FDA was able to classify gmo's as GRAS
and under this category,
doesn’t require any additional testing or labeling.

. this film convincingly reminds us
that when there's a lot of money involved
the chances that science gets fudged
become exponentially more likely and tenacious .
. Monsanto is the main target of the film
simply because they have been at the forefront of gmo tech,
and they were the main source of money
behind the USA`admn's current policy on gmo regulation .

. the film documents Monsanto's history of careless science
with what turned out to be some very hairy problems:
pcb's, dioxin use as free as 60's love ...
. pcb's are not only a cause of cancer,
but are reducing IQ, thyroid, and sex hormone function .
. pcb's are spreading world-wide,
[and this is one reason why fat in the diet causes cancer
even when a high fat diet
protects us from cancer in other ways .]

[. Monsanto might seem like an
obvious villain at this point;
but, as you saw from
the finance industry's deregulation causing
yet another worldwide depression:
we all love privacy (virtually deregulation)
even though it's proven year after year
that private parenting is sure to leave some children
exposed to molestation;
and likewise,
we feel our businesses deserve privacy
even though they are sure to devastate
some unlucky generation(s) .
. who can you trust?
first, be sure to trust no one who says
we can be trusted until proven guilty
(wouldn't that be you?) .]

. tryptophan's EMS disorder was said to be a gmo problem,
[but it was also said by others
to be a different type of biotech problem:
when you are growing organisms to produce chemicals,
you have to be constantly vigilant with testing
to insure you still have the same vector working for you
-- something like the need for testing software:
it's all really created by the devil
(the creator of emotions and imagination);
-- no matter who the human face's name is --
and, it's all got to be walk-through'ed and tested .]

. gmo soy has been modified to survive roundup .
. roundup was recently shown in French courts
to not be as biodegradable as they once asserted
[... and, it doesn't have to be!
the world's agriculture will soon be
entirely roundup ready
and everything else is simply expendible! .]

. gmo corn is cross-polinating with mexican organics;
and, that is feared to be the end of organics for corn
as the transgenics don't do well without
high-tech fertilizers and pesticides .
[ but I fear it will be the population crush
looking for a quick fix,
that is really going to encourage the use of
exactly those "(accidental) hybrids
that do well with the cheapest treatments
only to grow larger populations that require
yet greater yields -- demanding ever more from science .]

. India has a different problem with gmo's:
the cotton is advertised as resistant to some insect,
only to be more vulnerable
to something else (like some sort of jungle rot) .
. the naive borrow money to start the technocrop
only to go bankrupt and fold with a suicide .
. one social worker points out that patented "(transgenics)
are being tried on every crop that India is growing:
they are literally being carpet-bombed with patents
as there will not be any corner of agriculture
that will not be lured into the trap of quick bucks
and unstable futures ...
[and with accidental crossbreeding,
what crops will they not own
-- what genome will they not degenerate into
dependence on high-tech methods?]

. in several places there were pitiful instances where
a farmer's neighbors had all started growing gmo's
leaving them on the edge of spraying operations
with pesticide poisoning their ducks
-- and their children .

. in Paraguay, after the leakage of gmo seeds
into their agriculture, it was ironically
Europe's gmo labeling requirements
that forced the Paraguay gov't
to legalize gmo crops
-- otherwise, they couldn't sell to any place
that respected either patents or gmo-phobic labeling .

. Europe's gov't was no different than usa
in the force with which it was swayed by cash,
but they had a scientist tell on prime-time tv
that animal experiments showed that
our state of genetic engineering
was a lot more complicated and unstable
than what the corporate giants were maintaining .

. Europe's public was swayed by tv coverage of
genetically engineered potatoes
that got a snowdrop gene,
which produced an aphid resistance .
lectins often serve as natural insecticides;
but this lectin was considered non-toxic to humans
yet became toxic when inserted into the potato:
. rats eating the potatoes suffered from
hormonal imbalances (fatty organs) .
. increasing a proliferative response in the gut .
thereby having an adjuvant effect
on any chemically induced tumor .
. it caused the rat`immune system to
go into high gear;
and, the study's head doctor interpreted this
as meaning that the immune system
was "(identifying the potatoes as alien) .
. it was apparent that the
gene insertion was causing the problem
rather than whatever was being inserted .
. on aug 10 '98, for live news, he reported:
I found it's very very very unfair
to use our fellow citizens as guinea pigs .
[. doesn't it seem like having that labeling
is like being told
yet another neighor's house is on fire?
. the question should be not whether
your dollar is ignoring the latest gmo effort,
what are your tax dollars doing
to counteract gmo cross-pollination
by developing totally glass-housed growing methods? ]


idiot-proofed derailleurs

. this idea might actually be worth it for a velomobile,
where stalling on a forgotten downshift
can represent a non-trivial traffic impediment
due to the velo' being wider than your ordinary bike
and not easily push-started .]

4.23(2009): tech.gear/mobi/derailleur changing while still:
. did anyone try a front derailer on the underside,
one that would change gears by pedaling backwards?
. that idea would work for the rear derailer too,
but there are so many of those to do,
pedaling backwards would be an annoyance .
. these would be great for when being
caught by surprise in high gear,
and then no longer would you have to find some manual way
of getting started before you can downshift .


sewing machine refurbished with manual operation (2009)

5.26: gear/sewing.machine/repair:
. I could go a bit faster on the trike's shell
if I had the sewing machine;
what's wrong with it?
. the variable-voltage socket got shattered,
so the motor needs to be directly tied into the pedal,
or the the pedal needs a new socket .
. some of the chrome add-on's are missing:
there needs to be a vert'rod that the spool of thread sits on;
and more urgently, there is a screw-in place setting"thumb nut
that adjusts the length and direction of the step .
. without that, it tends to take huge steps .
. they couldn't be found so now the options are order new parts
(806) 744-6774
. they don't sell any replacement parts online
but feet, thread, and needles:
. the thumb nut could not be found online .

replacing the missing feed regulator thumb nut:
. one way to improvise is to make a crutch stick;
something that holds up the bolt to a typical level .
. the way I finally tried was
a cord lock that can vari-size a loop
that holds in place the feed regulator bolt .
. the cord is hanging from
my replacement for the spool pin:
a paint brush handle that fits snugly into a hole on top .

5.28: bk"operation routine:
. how to install the needle?
. needle's recess is on the right side,
thread from the left .
. bobbin's thread is coming over the top at you .

5.28: replacing broken parts:
. if it doesn't work mech'ly, no use fixing motor;
so, find parts and test it .

5.28: testing:
. gave it a wax-lube,
and removed the motor to get at all oil points
-- now it is very easy to rotate?
gives me the idea it might be better to just
run it without the motor!
. finish 2 parts rotating it by hand .

5.30: proj.gear/sewing.mach'/ergo.handle:
. I prefer the greater control I have from hand-turning the sewing machine,
but pushing the wheel made my fingers stiff,
so today I had the idea to reuse a bike pedal
as a turning handle .
. a good pedal to reuse is from the junker mtn bike
(it had been in an accident and the pedal was chewed up) .
. this bike had one of the cheaper pedal systems
where the cranks and the axle they rotate
are all one piece .
. I removed the bearings hoping to find some
easiest place to hack off a crank;
but it turned out I could have left the bearings in place .
. the pedal was made of plastic
and was hacked into a round handle .
. the sewing machine's rotator was drilled in 2 places,
which were then threaded with craft wire
to be twisted tight around the crank .


hand warmer for keyboarding in the cold

11.17: proj.gear/hand.warmer for fast fingers:

. keyboard house needs a wire frame made from one wire for stiffness
that comes in 2 parts for adjustable its like 2 tables with on upside down
and legs of them are bound at a distance of your choosing .
. the top table slanted on either side .
. the joists are twist-arounds,
and they hold up the heat pad which is covered by the reflectix .

. to control height add loops end of table legs
to connect them by string so that the string can keep the endpoints
at a fixed distance without having to rely on the frictional force
created by binding the legs together with a winding .

11.21: gear/hand.warmer/redesign for boundary problem:
. the box for kybd has a boundary problem:
sometimes the hands like to travel straight from home keys
over to control keys
and that means the sides have to be clear of any box struts
atleast up to the delete key on the right side .
. instead of the peak sloping to the sides,
it would be more heat and space efficient to slope front and back;
the slope allows the heat pad on the roof to cover more of the arms .
. this also allows a bar from side to side
at both the rear and front
that help stability a bit .
the rear bar is part of the bottom table,
the front bar is part of the top table;
except the table model needs adjusting
because the top`struct has to overhang forward,
while the bottom`struct has to recede .
. one simple wire design is
start from front corner;
mov back horz'ly until past the kybd's delete key;
rise for height of roof`slope`bottom;
mov horz'ly to rear of tray
mov horz'ly to center of kybd;
do same for other side (in reverse order
and so wire is all one piece) .
. the front-back horz gives the top an anchor for
a top that is a horz rectangle
with 2 other rectangles for back and front sides of roof .
the roof hangs with peak over knuckles when fingertips are
numbers row (makes a tight fit for little-used function row) .

11.28: gear/hand.warmer/composite cardboard with metal joints:
. to save on wire, just use it for the joints
bound to scrap wood (or rolled cardboard) .

12.1: proj.gear/ frame:
. make a c-shape when viewed from side
so that to change height,
have chg in depth of c
. then when feels right add reinforce as needed .

12.2: proj.gear/messed wire can be reused:
. mess wire ? can reuse as staples:

. 11*2 wide, 8deep at bottom
7" high center for 2" high over peak,
7+3 on to make the c-shape for the back .
wire version:
. final design was an extruded-Y shape with the bottom of y bent L-shaped
to form the let, and the top of the Y acted as joists to lay heatpad across .
extruding means the top of left fork of one Y connected with left fork of other,
and likewise for right forks .
y`bot: 8in,
y`top: 7in .
(2*8+2*7+11+13)*2 = 9.0ft of wire
. after building;
seems ok for heat pad,
but what about sleeping bag? way too heavy .
. the whole lid needs to slide into a box;
then can nix the heat pad .
. found during log that the fingers need a lot of space for shift-combo's
as the main fingers lift as part of landing the pinky on the shift key .
. the mac needs to be higher than the kybd with the box around it .

proj.gear/ version:
. to make the box,
find one of any length that is right in the other dimensions,
and then add the extrusion with sealing tape .
. needed to be a bit wider than kybd`platform,
this was exactly the width of a box I found,
but a minor distraction was the grey-board quality of that cardboard:
the tape didn't stick well .

the surprising benefits and costs of urinals

11.26: gear/urinal/unisex

. find a urinal that can double as a backup potty,
like the Passport Potty, but it's ok to spend more
on something less annoyingly small .
[12.31: Passport Potty:
$70 non-spillable toilet" passport potty toilet 1.0
(10L #6003, 2.6gal water closet, 2.6 gal sewage)
509 921 5350
wholesaler" maurice sporting goods; 4674 aircenter circle; reno, nv 89502-5949
importer" cedar key manufacturing; northbrook, illinois 60065
manufac" sanitation equipment ltd; ontario, canada, L4K 2S7
The problem with urine is that it is
the main source of some of the chemical nutrients
that have to be removed in sewage treatment plants
if they are not to wreck ecosystems downstream.
Despite making up only 1 per cent of the volume of waste water,
urine contributes about 80 per cent of the nitrogen
and 45 per cent of all the phosphate.
Peeing into the pan immediately dilutes these chemicals
with vast quantities of water,
making the removal process unnecessarily inefficient.
A lucky few, however, live or work in
one of the buildings in continental Europe
where you can find a future must-have eco-accessory:
the urine separation toilet.
These devices divert urine away from the main sewage stream,
allowing the nutrients to be recycled rather than treated as waste.
They could solve all the environmental problems associated with urine
and even turn sewage plants into
net producers of green, clean energy.
Tue Mar 04 16:41:28 GMT 2008
Is any one in the USA working on the urine separation toilet
what to do with the urine? Personal Systems?
There is a lot being done in other parts of the world,
little in the US, I work in Ecuador.
also my blog (Spanish).

The liquid waste vessel will contain approximately 2.2 gallons of urine.
The translucent material of the container allows easy visualization of the liquid level.
review (with good pictures):
. the way it's shaped and how narrow it is,
you'd think urinating would present a back-spray problem .

This urine-diverting composting toilet – which is 100 percent PVC fee –
uses no water and keeps solids separate from liquids,
reducing odor and making it possible to reuse waste and urine
for composting and fertilizing.
The Separett Villa can be deployed where no plumbing exists,
allowing for a greater reach of the technology Separett of Sweden Urine-Diverting Composting Toilets
Ecovita is the exclusive North American supplier
of Separett urine-diverting composting toilets.
--Separett urine-diverting composting toilets
and waterless urinals provide attractive, inexpensive,
easy-to-maintain, odor-free ecological sanitation
for waterwise comfort!
A urine diverter only to make your own system or to improve an existing pit latrine
The Separett Privy kit transforms your outdoor toilet
into a modern urine-separating toilet
As urine and solids are separated,
you are spared latrine odor and the waste is very easy to take care of.
Feces collect in the latrine or a garbage bag while urine drains via a hose
to a soakaway or tank.
The kit is easily installed under the bench of the outdoor toilet.
To ensure comfort all-year-round,
the kit includes a seat that feels warm as soon as you sit down.
Comes with plans for making a urine-diverting composting toilet
and a graywater system.

Just under the seat is something called a Separett,
a device that sends urine through one hole and feces down another.
Each lands in lidded, 5-gallon containers,
which are vented to the outside
and accessed through a small door on the side of the house.
When the receptacles fill up, they're emptied.
Nitrogen-rich urine is diluted with water
and fed to plants;
feces is left to mellow for a year,
at which point it has decomposed enough
to ameliorate health concerns
and can be used for amending soil.
. I found a Separett online and bought it for $127.
I planned to put my backup toilet in my bedroom.
The chief environmental health specialist
for the L.A. County Department of Public Health
couldn't tell me if composting toilets were even legal,
so I also wanted to make sure my system could be easily disassembled.
Following advice from the Separett manual
and a book that is something of a composting toilet bible,
"The Humanure Handbook,"
I affixed the Separett into the supporting sides of the bench,
just beneath its hinged lid. I set up the collection buckets.
. used hamsters' pine bedding for the "bulking agent" .

$1,399 BioLet 30 NE, Non-electric composting toilet (
A waterless composting toilet used primarily where it is not practical or economical to install a conventional toilet. It is an on-site, self-contained, biological toilet that uses aerobic decomposition and evaporation to reduce human waste to a nutrient rich, hygienically safe humus. The BioLets reduce the volume of waste entering the toilet by approximately 90%, leaving only 10% of the original volume for disposal. This can be recycled back to nature in a safe way w/out polluting the environment.

* Most Advanced Composting Toilet In The World!
* Requires no water, septic, or chemicals and produces no odors!


solar roof

5.2: gear/solar/wind stored as wind:
. good use of wind uses windmills to compress air,
so then during low wind the compressed air can drive electric generators,
and during wind that is too high for e-gen's,
the power can be usefully diverted to compressing air .
. the current system is to heat water,
even if that's not needed .
. it could also solve the complaint that
wind supply is not always matching human consumption .
. another way is to put energy mostly into
driving processes that generate portable fuel
like methanol .
. it was noticed days ago however
that this is not a green way for the planet;
because there is literally not eno' platinum in the world
to make all the fuel cells
to meet all the needs of billions of people .

11.1: gear/hvac/solar/roof:
. it works like water heater but moves air instead of water:
under black tin it gets hot;
it can be 2-way valved either outside or inside the walls
and under the floor where it can also serve as
part of the radon removal system .
. fan powered by cheap mech-to-mech wind mills
(new efficient ones look like box kites) .
. on top of black 2nd roof
is clear roof for housing greens,
makes oxygen that can move without venting,
but may need that anyway
for humidity control to prevent mold .


buffelgrass control with grasshoppers

8.20: web.pol/buffelgrass control with grasshoppers:

. some grasshoppers will eat buffel grass .
. if there was an easy way to catch them,
they could both eat the buffelgrass and serve as food,
as they do in many places -- including japan .
. this is an economical way to get grass-fed meat .

Warm and dry spring conditions encourage nymphal growth.
An early spring followed by cloudy, damp weather
encourages diseases that sicken and kill hoppers.
A long, hot summer ensures a plentiful food supply
and encourages early maturity of grasshoppers and a long egg-laying period.
On the other hand, a cool summer and early fall
slows down grasshopper maturity and reduces time for laying eggs.
Grasshoppers are drawn to monocultures
and dislike nitrogen-fixing crops like legumes and sweet clover.
. all birds love grasshoppers .

. instead of being caterpillars, they develop in an egg,
and hatch as jumping grass or forb [flowering non-grass] eaters;
in a few more weeks they can fly .

The most widely eaten insects in japan are inago
(the grasshopper, Oxya velox F.),
which is preserved by boiling in soy sauce.
-- a luxury item in supermarkets throughout the country, including Tokyo.
Catching inago is done in rice paddies in autumn
. with rice in overproduction, why not let inago feed on the excess,
thus increasing the population of the grasshopper?
perhaps the prefer their rice;
they also like cooking wasps, suggesting it might be just a sport .

insect hazards
Some insects secrete toxins, produce toxic metabolites
or sequester toxic chemicals from foodplants
(Blum, 1978; Duffey, 1980; Wirtz, 1984).
Defensive secretions that may be reactive, irritating or toxic
include carb-oxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, alkaloids, ketones, esters,
lactones, phenols, 1,4-quinones, hydrocarbons and steroids, among others.
Phytochemicals sequestered by various insects include
simple phenolics, flavin, tannins, terpenoids, polyacetylenes,
alkaloids, cyanogens, glucosinolates and mimetic amino acids.
Insects are also a source of
injectant, ingestant, contactant and inhalant allergens (Wirtz, 1984; Gorham, 1991 ),
and some insects serve as vectors or passive intermediate hosts of
vertebrate pathogens such as bacteria, protozoa, viruses or helminths (Gorham, 1991).
More attention should be directed toward
assessing these risk factors in the edible insect groups.
The long history of human use suggests, however, with little evidence to the contrary,
that the insects intentionally harvested for human consumption
do not pose any significant health problem.

The Nematomorph hairworm (Spinochordodes tellinii)
develops inside land-dwelling grasshoppers and crickets
until the time comes for the worm to transform into an aquatic adult.
. the mature hairworms brainwash their hosts by producing proteins
causing them to seek out and plunge into water.

Family Anthomyiidae
. -- Members of the family Anthomyiidae are medium in size,
about a quarter-inch (6 mm) long and closely resemble the common housefly.
One species is reported to parasitize grasshoppers .

Acridomyia canadensis Snyder
is the only species of family Anthomyiidae in North America
known to parasitize grasshoppers.
It has been classified as an ÒimportantÓ parasite in Canada
and mentioned as ÒoccurringÓ in Montana and Idaho (Rees 1973).
This fly is known to parasitize at least 16 species of grasshoppers
within all 3 grasshopper subfamilies of the family Acrididae,
the slantfaced, the spurthroated, and the bandwinged grasshoppers.
Melanoplus bivittatus and M. packardii
are reported as this parasite's preferred host species.
. flesh flies, family Sarcophagidae,
are important parasites of grasshoppers in North America.
. their eggs hatch within the uterus
and the female deposits a live larva on the host via larviposition:
the female flips a larva from the tip of her abdomen onto the grasshopper.
The larva quickly penetrates the host's body through an intersegmental space
and begins feeding on the body fluids and tissue .
. species Servaisia falciformis (Aldrich) = Protodexia =Sarcophaga falciformis (Aldrich),
possesses a sharp ovipositor that is used to insert a larva
into the large muscle of the hind leg of the grasshopper.
. mature larva exits through a hole in the grasshopper body wall
and pupates in the soil. These flies target last-stage nymphs and adults
and are generally considered the most effective group of grasshopper parasites
. 3 species of Tachinid flies are considered important parasites
in the United States and Canada .
Acemyia tibialis is the principal tachinid parasite of grasshoppers
and has been reported from Melanoplus bivattatus and M. sanguinipes.
Canadian reports indicate parasitism ranges between 16 and 65 percent
(Rees 1973). Ceracia dentata (Coquillett)
and Hemithrixion oestriforme Brauer
and Bergenstamm have been reported from grasshoppers collected in the United States
and Canada with parasitism rates ranging between 1 and 5 percent (Rees 1973).
. tangle-veined flies (family Nemestrinidae)
are medium-sized, stout-bodied, fast fliers that can hover persistently.
. of six North American species, 2 are parasites of grasshoppers
Neorhynchocephalus sackenii (Will.)
and Trichopsidea (= Parasymmictus) clausa (Osten Sacken) (Smith 1958)
. they favor rangeland and Òidle acresÓ habitats .
Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder), Camnulla pellucida (Scudder),
Metator pardalinus (Saussere), and Aeropedellus clavatus (Thomas)
are preferred hosts of
N. sackenii with parasitization rates between 30 and 95 percent .
. solitary wasps (family Sphecidae) consisting of eight subfamilies,
most of which nest in wood, construct mud cells, or burrow in the soil.
Twenty-nine species are recorded as parasitizing grasshoppers
in Canada and the United States (Rees 1973).
. Trombidiidae is the most important of three known families of mites
that have been reported as parasites of grasshoppers and locusts.
Red mites have been universally observed attached to the wings of their host.
Adult mites appear early in the spring and begin searching for grasshopper egg-pods.
Mites remain in the pods feeding on individual eggs
until the mites become sexually mature.
Mating takes place in the egg-pod, but eggs are laid in cells in the soil.
Larvae emerge after 28 to 30 days and actively seek a suitable host.
Larvae usually attach at the base of the wings on adults.
. mites had little if any effect on the grasshopper hosts;
[they are mostly egg predators .]

Grasshopper nymphs eat vegetation contaminated with the eggs of
the Mermithidae species of Nematodes;
The infective nematode larva is released from the egg
during the digestive process.
The larva eventually penetrates through the host's gut wall into the body cavity,
where it remains for 4 to 10 weeks.
The mature larva exits the host (usually killing it) late in the summer
and overwinters in the soil.
Known North American distribution is limited to the
upper Midwest, Northeast, and small, restricted areas in the Western United States.
Moisture in the microhabitat, probably in the form of free water,
is required for successful development of nematodes.
When the required conditions occur,
the incidence of infestation in localized areas can exceed 60 percent .

. the Gordiacea class of roundworms (Nematomorpha)
are known as horsehair worms or Gordian worms. closely resemble nematodes
. they are opportunists that attack many hosts
-- incidental parasites of grasshoppers and Mormon crickets .
Adults are free living and aquatic.
Larvae are parasitic in crustaceans, grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles.
Females lay thousands of eggs in long, gelatinous strings in water.
Upon hatching, larvae seek an immature form of aquatic insect as the primary host.
Later the larvae become terrestrial
and seek a secondary host (usually a cricket, grasshopper, or beetle),
where they feed and continue to develop.
The mature larva exits the host (causing death)
and returns to an aquatic habitat (ponds, animal watering troughs,
intermittent pools, streams, or similar area),
where it reaches sexual maturity.

. There are 856 species of Asilidae (robber flies) in North America;
26 are reported as predators of grasshoppers
Six species exhibit a definite preference for grasshoppers (Rees 1973).
. Two species of family Anthomyiidae have been reported as
predators of grasshopper eggs
Female Òdigger waspsÓ (family Sphecidae)
prefer grasshoppers as provisions for their nests
and are sometimes mentioned as efficient grasshopper predators
(Lavigne and Pfadt 1966).
A typical species of this group, Prionyx parkeri Bohart and Menke,
requires about 1 hour to capture, cache, and lay an egg on an adult grasshopper.
Upon hatching, the wasp larva begins to consume the live grasshopper,
which remains paralyzed.
These wasps are generally rare in most grasshopper habitats,
but there is a report in Idaho (Newton 1956) of three Tachysphex spp.
reducing a population of Oedaleonotus enigma (Scudder) by 84 percent.
. The wolf spider, Schizocosa minnesotensis Gertsch,
and a jumping spider, Pellenes sp., are two species of nonweb-builders
that are often quite abundant on rangeland
and are reported as predatory on various rangeland grasshopper species.
The black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans (F.),
is also a common rangeland predator of grasshoppers in Wyoming and Idaho.
. Adult mites appear early in the spring and begin searching for grasshopper egg-pods.
Mites remain in the pods feeding on individual eggs
until the mites become sexually mature.

cap and tax

8.9: news.pol/cap and tax:

. some of the same forces opposing the health care reform
are also angry with cap-and-tax as being a job loser .
. it's a tax to promote the use of
energy sources that don't contribute to global warming
-- this is a big deal to the rest of the world
although a major initial drawback is that
there is not getting china to cooperate
and they will continue to get our jobs
unless we also have some laws that keep our corparations
employing our citizens .
. the gov could use the tax money to invest in better energy sources
so the long-term prospects of this bill are very good;
but the current players are going to lose their fat seats .
. paints a bleak picture of huge job loses 20years out .

. a wall st jou editorial
says we either cut services
or we are going to need to tax the middle class more .
Obama Drops Health Care Reform 8/4/2009
wsj is saying the admn is saying the new strategy is not health care
but health insur needing reform
-- demonizing an industry?
they need regulation just like cities need police .
. manditory insurance is the main target .
. wsj (Weight of the Nation 8/3/2009)
talked about the staggering costs of our nation gaining so much weight
esp'ly since the advent of corn syrup in all the food since the 70's .
. safeway started an accountability campaign
where the employees got cheaper health premiums for keeping weight .
. getting weight is much less invasive than getting blood lipid numbers! on health care
. "(Trial lawyers, government mandates, and tax code distortions
are what is making health care too expensive )?
they must be kidding!
if a society insists on manditory health care,
they must pay for it either with charity (gov)
or manditory health insurance .
. in case you couldn't find an advocate for vampires,
here it is at
it was revealed that massive beverage tax hikes are planned
to fund part of the $1.5 trillion dollar tab
their socialization of health care is expected to run up
over the next 10 years.
Specifically, they're looking at
increasing the tax on a bottle of wine by 233 percent.
The beer tax would go up 145 percent per six-pack.
The liquor tax would go up 19 percent to $2.54 per fifth.
And an entirely new tax is proposed for [sugar-sweetened beverages]
-- including soda, fruit and vegetable dinks, sports drinks,
iced teas and coffees, and flavored milk and dairy drinks.
This planned beverage tax hike
not only leaves *us* with less money during a recession,
it will also be a *job* killer, [mr.job from the bible?]
particularly in the hard-hit hospitality industry, [hospi- what?]
where unemployment is already over 11 percent.
In an industry that has already lost around 400,000 jobs in this downturn,
a new tax that could destroy an estimated 160,000 more jobs
is a terrible idea.
. oh, my god, I just lost another soda !

FreedomWorks` Tea Party Patriots:

The lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks,
which orchestrated the anti-Obama tea parties earlier this year,
are now pursuing an aggressive strategy
to create an image of mass public opposition to health care
and clean energy reform.
A leaked memo from Bob MacGuffie,
a volunteer with the FreedomWorks website Tea Party Patriots,
details how members should be infiltrating town halls
and harassing Democratic members of Congress .
) .


8.5: rel/pol/movie"koyaanisqatsi:
. this was a sort of documentary showing the forces of nature and man
ravaging the planet .
-- a cult film [someone] was proud to introduce me to .
. it ends with the hiameric predictions and warning:
if we dig precious things from the land,
we will invite disaster .
. near the day of purification,
there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky .
. a container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky,
which could burn the land and boil the oceans .
. it also gave the definition of the movie's title:
'crazy life, life in turmoil,
life out of balance, life disintegrating,
a state of life that calls for another way of living .

The film consists primarily of slow motion and time-lapse photography
of cities and many natural landscapes across the United States.
The visual tone poem contains neither dialogue nor a vocalized narration:
its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and music.

booking for pedal.cycle tips

4.6: trike reviews

4.11: tires

. with tires there is the issue of size:
balloon tires might provide suspension
that protects the frame;
or trice may come with rims that fit
only the tires it lists ?
. my intuition was right about being
. when ice says they have a 20" 406,
the 406 is the bead dia' .
. 406 and 451 are the two most common
bead diameters on 20" tyres.
. The one dimension that is really critical
is bead seat diameter
(which is what the first number
- on the ETRTO size refers to)
this is the bit inside the rim
where the tyre sits -
the rim above that can varying a bit without problem.
. check the tyre for an ISO number .
. their tire make mentioned that
some customers don't match rim to tire correctly?
does trice give you too much freedom?
. work with your dealer,
and stock up for trips .
-- massive Smartguard puncture protection (580g)

4.11: security locking:
. why is Kryptonite no longer using
tubular keys?
disc style cylinder resists picking and drilling
. the pin holes in the plug are slightly
out of alignment with respect to the shell
and the pins and pin holes are each
of a slightly different diameter.
These imperfections are very small
-- as little as .0001 inches in some cases --
but they are what allow us to manipulate
("pick") locks open without using the correct key.
4.20:`security/locks and registration,

16mm hardened Kryptonium¨ steel shackle

You can register a bike AFTER it has been stolen.
In the event that one of our participating
law enforcement agencies finds it,
it can be returned!
(This registration is for one bike,
for six months, and does
not include a decal or certificate).
Hundreds of recovered bicycles
are stored at the Tucson police bicycle lot
at the Santa Cruz substation, 4410 S. Park Ave.
8 a.m. to 2 p.m. the first Saturday of every month.
. may require a judge's order or detective's authorization.
To obtain the release of bicycles, call 791-4458
. bikes are auctioned off online in lots of 15
. hosting activities that increase community awareness .

Cycle Spectrum [nearby]
6177 E Broadway Tucson AZ 85710
Phone: 520-790-9394

Ajo Bikes [trike dealer]
1301 E. Ajo Way Tucson AZ 85713
Phone: 520-294-1434

4.23: alarm systems:

Includes 1 Year Airtime and 500 messages*
* A message originating with the motorcycle is 1 message
i.e. an alarm notification.
To locate a motorcycle takes 2 messages (1 out to the motorcycle from the internet
and 1 back with the location)
* Included with all of the
Cycle Protect message plans
Cycle Protect requires a one year GPS contract.
is unlimited use of the Cycle Protect GPS website.
Second Year Renewal:
Basic Plan Includes 10 messages at 48.00 a year.
** All messages over 10 = 20 cents (.20) per message
Silver Plan Includes 120 messages (or 10 a month) at 59.50 a year.
** All messages over 120 = 20 cents (.20) per message

. uses Cingular Wireless
. cycleprotect is partnered with Sekurus
GPS systems
. some can only do GPS
and can only be installed by a dealer.
Lojack is a popular product
(available only in certain states),
our primary concern being
that your motorcycle has to be MISSING
and THEN you contact them to locate it for you
(if not already in a chop shop or wrecked);
Phantom Tracking, unlike Lojack,
notifies you that your motorcycle is missing
(also only available in certain (7) states).
Trimble Trim Trac (sold by Cycle Trak & Talon)
is a bulky GPS tracker
that allows you to locate your motorcycle,
but cannot notify on being tampered with .

Cycle Protect can notify you
via your own cellular phone
AND provide you the exact location
of your missing motorcycle
via both text message and GPS tracking on-line
2 way FM paging security system
* INCLUDES: Battery Backup,
3-stage perimeter sensor
and Remote Ignition Disable
* By incorporating RFID
to the system is able to know
when the remote is walking close to the bike
and when its not, allowing the user to
never have to reach for the remote to protect the bike.
* By utilizing High Frequency FM technology,
the SR-i900 transceiver is capable of
sending and receiving commands .

. This advanced alarm will send a page to you
within 400 metres, it even works within concrete buildings.

. one thing I'd worried about
has come with a twist:
pouring glue in the lock of kryptonite
causes people to leave their bike overnight;
where it is finished off in the dark .
. maybe an alarm system would be better ...
and something like gps tracking
that shows where they're going with it .
. but if they suspect a gps,
all they have to do is keep it in a trailer
-- the same way cars are quicked:
driving them into a moving van .
. it mostly needs a chewey lock with an alarm .

4.25: accident prevention:
. the way feet get caught falling down in a trike,
is by first being startled by a near-accident,
then being surprised by a jolt
like hitting a deep pothole;
this will then throw the feet out of the pedals .

5.9: gear/mobi/security/locks
One of the alarming locks I have been checking
out has been the motorcycle locks at .

5.12: quadracycles in canada

5.18: web.gear/mobi/security/best after-market car alarm:
. animals can set it off a cheap alarm,
esp'ly cats as people let them run wild .
. $400 personal car alarm pagers (Autopage, Crimestopper )
buzz a vehicle's owner when a car is disturbed
. When a $695 Lojack theft is reported,
police can track and recover the car 95% of the time vs 62% .
but new competition from GM's OnStar tracking system is here .
The Specialist Inc. 4414 East Speedway Tucson, AZ 85712
The Specialist Inc. 5602 E Braodway Tucson, AZ 85711

1770 S. Tapo Street; Simi Valley, CA USA 93063
Tel: 805.526.9400 Sales Ext 213

for honda motorcycle:
RideNow Powersports Tucson
7501 E 22nd Street Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 747-9141

5.20: to get caught speedy:
. braking very hard can cause fishtailing .
. beginners can be surprised at
what combination of speed, turn, and conditions
can cause a tip-over, and it's easy to overcompensate .

5.22: breaking on left side:
. about 3100 milesm, I've been braking spokes on the left side;
8 in all, at 2 spokes a time .
. [a heavy] bent both front axles;
We replaced the axles and the left front wheel .
. another sees spokes breaking in rapid succession?
if one breaks, then go replace all on that wheel .
5.23: and rims:
. If you do suffer broken spokes regularly
then it is better to change the rim and spokes
rather than just the spokes
as once a wheel has been built
it becomes an 18 on 36 sided figure on 36 spoked wheels
.Mind you this may just be propaganda put about by rim makers
. But I can see the logic of it.

. garman 205 edge. It is an entry level GPS,
. You don't have to calibrate your wheels,
it is simply to use and you can download to your computer
and keep track of miles, avg speed,
and route going through Google Earth,
calories burned and it sets up a charting system on your computer.
. Strada wireless computer (Love it).

. Dinotte amber running light in strobe mode?
they seemed touchy about type of batt's .
. he has problems with quick-release on seat popping off?
in addition to having them tight,
may want velcro covers that hold them in place .
5.31: maint:
. Replaced worn out chain here and cassette at 5,500 miles
. Chain maintenance was Rock & Roll lube every 150 miles
and clean every 1000 miles +-
. We understand this is usual wear.
Rear cassette was skipping teeth.
New chain is SRAM Chain, PC-951, 9-Speed.
Replaced rear worn cassette with new SRAM cassette
with same range of gears
. Front mid/high 40/53 Q-rings still running fine.
6.1: chain wear:
. degrease and lube my chain with my own home brew every 200 miles.
At 14,500 miles my original cassette is doing fine
and I am on my third chain which is still within specs.
I never lube without degreasing as per Sir Sheldon's advice.
In, "Phil Mix" wrote:
> FWIW - Replaced worn out chain here and cassette at 5,500 miles. Chain maintenance was Rock & Roll lube every 150 miles and clean every 1000 miles +-. We understand this is usual wear. Rear cassette was skipping teeth.
> New chain is SRAM Chain, PC-951, 9-Speed. Replaced rear worn cassette with new SRAM cassette with same range of gears. Front mid/high 40/53 Q-rings still running fine. All paved roads and trails.
date Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:46 AM
Degreasing the chain isn't a lot of work. Simply pop out the power link and drop the chain is a plastic juice container with a couple of ounces of citrus degreaser and shake it for a minute and rinse... done! You can chase the water out of the inside pieces by baking in the sun or baking in the oven or dunking in acetone. I haven't replaced the cassette because it performs flawlessly. Lubing an uncleaned chain chases dirt form the outside of the chain where it is doing little harm to the inside where it causes a lot of wear.

Actually what I did was put around 3,500 miles on 3 chains and then I went back to the first chain and an am now starting on the second 3,500 miles on each chain. Makes good sense if you think about it.

6.30: chain cleaner:
Best chain cleaner I found is diesel. Put an ice cream tub under the chain at the rear section, use a brush to brush it well in and rub with an old rag to remove. I do this monthly.
Remove and soak the whole chain overnight, I do this a couple of times in winter.
Remember to use snap on links for 9 speed chain.
I use a motorbike chain lube spray to re-lube.
The used diesel if allowed to stand a few days can be drained off and used again
wear gloves,

Another good cleaner is Green oil
They manufacture: Chain Cleaner, Frame cleaner, grease and oil.
To clean chain simply cote it with chain cleaner ride around for a few minutes and wash it off!
To clean frame either buy the frame cleaner and apply and wash,
or dilute one can of chain cleaner in a litre (that's 1.76 pints in Anglo saxon)of water and use it as normal. Uk stockist is Chain Reaction Cycles.
See Ctc website for advice on dismantling and reassembling 9 and 10 speed chains!
Basically these chains must be joined with the special link
as supplied by ICE or they will break whilst in use.
Have fun Regards. Ted.

8.6: co.trike/maint/[triceriders] I hate GOAT HEADS:
date Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:10 PM
You need some sort of protection for goat heads--period.
I automatically install True Goo in all trikes intended for regional use
and I have always used it in my personal trikes.
You can use a thick tire liner like Tuffy.
Of course Marathon Plus takes care of the problem
and, in a 1.75 size, rides well too.
Big Apples may ride well but have no postive effect on the thorn issue.
My rule when using Goo is to pump twice if a tire goes down
(after removing broken off thorns).
If it goes down a third time, -- only twice in six years on the trail,
then install your spare tube
and patch the failed Goo-filled tube at home before reinstalling it.
date Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:58 AM subject [triceriders] Re: Goo and Shipping:
Here's an interesting issue we found out about Goo.
We shipped our trikes (3 days, Fed Ex) with the tires deflated.
When we inflated the tires while re-assembling the trikes,
each of us had one tire with two holes in it that needed patching.
Evidently the Goo had been doing it's job blocking up the holes
and then the hole re-opened as it was shipped.
8.8: bk:

. hub `sealed (precision) bearings?
they require less service, but service is more costly .
. trice`bottom bracket likely has sealed bearings
and never needs service (low rpm = low wear)?
. bottom bracket uses an adjustable left cup;
it needs special splined tools .

. pedal-mashing can create chain ring flex;
your goal should be 90 rpm for reduced transmission stress .

morningstar product freehub buddy:
The Freebhub Buddy allows you to inject clean grease
into Shimano Freehub bodies, displacing dirt and old lubricants.
Thick grease may cause problems if used in very cold weather.

. chain links are 1",
the stretch is too much when 12 links measure 12+1/8 inches,

. beware veg-based oils like 3-in-1 .

8.9: bk:

. derailleur pullys: (upper : jockey, lower: idler),
. indexed deraileur controls depend on precise hanger shape

. kerosene, paint thinner or diesel fuel (adds oil),
are good solvents for thick grease grimes
-- jobs that don't clean up with dish soap
meant for light oil and particulate messes .
[ParkTools insist you use their orange chain cleaner for that]
. lube can come from auto supply:
for bearings and cables use white lithium grease,
for lighter oil jobs use 30wt motor oil .

8.11: bk:

. gear chart uses gear inches formula:
#pedal`gear`teeth * #wheel`gear`teeth / wheel size (inches diameter)
--. but this doesn't translate well to 20"wheels
because diameter isn't directly related to gearing .
. also, another variable is crank`length .

. write your ID inside helmet .

8.12: bk:

. white lightening is paraffin-like lube ( .

. some clean chain in place with
1st {wd40, lps-1}
then {lps-3, motor oil}

. like the left pedal has left handed threads
so also does the older style
bottom bracket's fixed cup (right side) .

. sweat's salt can corrode both alum and steel even when dry
and paint can be porous so that the effects happen under good paint .
. the paint can be sealed with silicon caulk
or aerosol furniture wax
. spray wd-40 on inside or with weigle's frame saver .

. another reason for shimmy at high speed is rider weighs a lot on
ultra light frame .

. imron urethane paint .

You should never spray your paint directly on the bare metal.
A primer will help adhesion of the paint to the metal surface.
Should you be painting over an existing painted surface,
a "sealer" should be used to ensure that there is no
bleed of the old paint into the new paint.
As an added note, you should never try to paint lacquer over an noncatalyzed enamel
[some other source:]
. Imron; This was popular years ago.
I would have to describe it as a rubber based polyurethane.
It was originally designed for airplanes that are subjected to extreme temperature changes
. It then was used on fleet trucks.
The stuff does not chip. Brake fluid will not damage it.
If you get a run, you can't sand it out!
This stuff is so toxic that when I sprayed it, I breathed off of a scuba tank!
You have to clean out your gun when done, or throw the gun away.
The left-over paint will bounce like a ball.

. avoid lacquers?
likely includes spray-on uncatylized "(enamels) .

8.11: todo.trike/shifting:
. should practice shifting before going into busy traffic,
not good to practice that on trainer .
[12.27: being in a velomobile makes it
awkward getting out of the way quickly
in the event of accidently stopping in too high a gear . ]

8.12: hitching:
I am contemplating getting a trailer for my QNT.
The standard hitch will work fine.
-- Chip
I've got a Quik-Pak. I'm not sure what else is out there like the flatbed though.
One reason for the Quik-Pak is 406 / 20 inch wheels (same as on my Trice), Burley is 16 inch. Actually the Quik-Pak has better looking wheels than my trike and Sun EZ-Sport.
Be aware that while the Quik-Pak is an excellent trailer, likely better than the Burley in many respects, there are a few assembly issues that are NOT listed in the assembly instructions as provided on their website. I documented these in a review on bentrideronline.
6.15: co.trike/maint/shimmy:
While coasting, if I remove my hands from the handlebars,
the wheels shake violently
. recommended checking the tightness of the axles
and that the brakes are not rubbing?
One or both headsets are loose
and/or the toe-in is not set properly.
. it seems worse when the trike is on big apples ?
Wider/narrower tyre will move the centre of the contact patch laterally
(making the steering more/less susceptible to bump inputs),
might also affect brake steer sensitivity?
8.14: co.trike/trice/shimmy:
On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 8:52 PM, dthompsoncpa wrote:
While coasting, if I remove my hands from the handlebars,
the wheels shake violently.
my reply:
. I just got through reading
Bicycling magazine's Complete Guide to Bicycle Maintenance & Repair
and it said a common reason for shimmy at high speed
is when the rider weighs a lot on an ultra light or specialized frame .
. the trice makers warn of strict weight limits .
. that reason seems more likely on a bike than a trike;
but, I thought I should throw the group even remote clues .
date Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 2:48 PM
. I recently dialed out a wheel shimmy
with a 1/2" tweak of the rear boom length.
date Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 5:09 PM
. Check your tyre pressures,
too low will cause some shimmy.
date Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 9:35 AM
Hi, most times I've had shimmy is due to
the headsets on each wheel coming loose.
This happens quite often when new.
If you can get hold of some old school steel locking washers
with a corrugated under surface,
these seem to hold better than the thin alloy ones.
I also locked the threads with Loctite 243.
After a year I also found that the big nuts holding the front wheels
had become loose.
The front tyres should always have the same pressure of air in them.
Check all these things,
trikes cause a lot of vibrations to all moveable parts .
date Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 10:06 AM.
. the shimmy on his 20" Q is now cured.
there was an o ring missing in the headset.
It might be worth checking your headset against an exploded drawing?
. same problem developed on my new QNT after only a few days.
I tried to checked the alignment,
retorque everything I could think of,
and checking tire pressure.
It improved a lot but
there is still a bit of shimmy at high speed.
So I find that headset thing interesting.
The manual says:
"After the first 50 or 100 miles,
check the steering components for signs of looseness.
The headset bearings may need to be snugged up
after they have bedded in,
and the axles should be checked for tightness as well".
date Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 7:35 AM
. ICE has been shipping (the last three trikes)
with a well greased O ring between the steering pin cap and first bearing.
.. for those who would like to try
adding damping to the steering,
one could insert--stretch and snap like a rubber band--
an O ring in this location.
The supplied ring has 1/8" thickness and 7/8" id with 1 1/8" od.
It is greased when installed.
The effect is a pressure fit between the cap and stem
which gives the steering some resistance.
date Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:36 PM
. official word [on] the purpose for the O ring:
It was introduced to offset any excess steering vibration
--it is intended as a dampener.
Phil Mix date Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 8:10 PM
Joe, During my 7,000 miles on my Q
I didn't remove both hands at any speed above 10 mph
that I can remember.
However, I know that in breaking the two frames in,
at about 400-800 miles
the steering and tracking changed and the fix was:
tightening the loose headsets.
I am tempted to loosen the headsets as see if I can create this shimmy.
What is missing here is a root cause analysis.
Are the o-rings placed to
lessen the inevitible initial set in of the headsets?
The same retightening of the main steering bolt
was experienced in both frames.
I observed both times that removing the bolt revealed
a crushed ring of frame paint under the lower bearing,
when the crushed ring of paint was removed
and the bolt retightened,
eliminated the need for further retightening.
I have since been on some really rough macadum
and the steering is solid.
After the onetime tightening, retightening was not required.
[ shows a trice rider can steer no-handed
by leaning into desired direction .
Ha Ha shimmy then.....2 years ago...
date Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:07 PM
Shimmy of this sort was once a very common problem in automobiles
of the 1920s and 1930s when most cars had solid front axles.
The axle would oscillate whenever its equilibrium was disturbed.
The addition of front brakes in the late 20s made it worse
by increasing the amount of weight on the ends of the axle.
It was the main reason for the widespread adoption of
independent front suspension during the 1930s.
My Model A Fords would develop it when their front radius rod attachments
(which kept the front axle in position) became loose.

It would happen much as described on a Trice,
when the front wheels would hit a bump simultaneously
(such as a ridge across the road) when going fast enough;
it would stop if I hit the brakes
and slowed down below the critical speed.

It is also endemic on Morgan cars,
which have independent front suspension,
but very hard springs
and practically no suspension travel.
I have previously remarked on the resemblance between
a recumbent tadpole trike
and a Morgan three-wheeler.
The crosshead of a Morgan behaves very similarly
to the cross-arm of a trike,
which similarly pivots around
its attachment at the centre
and relies mainly on frame flex for suspension.

On a Morgan, the frame flex absorbs more bumps
than the springs do (I can lean my full weight
on the front of my Morgan without compressing the springs).
On my 1970 four-wheeled Morgan
(which has the same suspension as the three-wheeler),
it happens right around 55 mph if it is going to happen at all.

The cure for shimmy on Morgans
is the same as on a Trice:
first make sure than everything is
tight and properly adjusted
(a 5 psi difference between front tire pressures
can cause Morgan shimmy,
as can wheel balance, kingpin wear,
and apparently the phase of the moon
) and then
introduce some friction into the system to dampen it.
My 1927 Morgan Aero has on it
a "Hooley Steering Damper"
that simply acts like the O-ring in a Trice headset.

In addition, as mentioned,
the rear end adjustment
(tire pressure, and boom length on a Trice)
can affect the front's tendency to shimmy.

8.23: try the o-ring. [reinstalling what Chip uninstalls]
date Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 9:09 AM
I started experiencing some changes in the steering
after about 300 miles of riding.
I checked the tire pressure and alignment.
Then I tightened the headsets and noticed a slight improvement.
I emailed Chip and he suggested that I
try the o-ring. [reinstalling what Chip uninstalls]
I just inserted it yesterday
and did notice some differences.
Even with proper tire inflation
my wheels would start to oscillate back and forth
and continue to exaggerate
until I had to put my hands on the steering.
Now, with the o-ring inserted,
I am able to ride with no hands and any speed.
Prior to the o-ring,
I would occasionally notice a slight pedal steer effect.
Now that also appears to have been dampened.
It was fairly easy to install.
Just loosen the two bolts on the side of the stem
(where the handlebars pivot)
and lower the stem.
Grease and apply the o-ring over the bolt
and above the top bearing.
Pull up on the stem until it is back in the original position
and tighten the stem.

8.17: maintenance tools and tips:

. for those who do their own maintenance,
and have had a chance to do all the tasks;
did you find any surprises, have any favorite tools,
or favorite places to get parts and tools ?
. the first tool I'm wondering about
is a torque wrench for the pedal wrench .
. trice warns about following these instructions exactly
-- that would include a torque wrench
which involves either much cost or comments like "(ineffective) .
. are all the bearings sealed?
where do you get replacements ?
. what are the spec's on the trice cassette lock rings

[. not sent, search instead:]

torque wrench talk: (Kerry Irons)
The only thing I use the torque wrench for
is BB's and cassette lock rings.
I'm very comforable with doing everything else free hand,
but I find that [doing it free-hand] will likely not get
70 n-m torque for a BB.
The beam units are not nearly as accurate or reliable.
With the "clicker" system, you don't over-torque.

. our current favorite is this very easy to use split-beam type
by Precision Instruments [C2 Split Beam]
It's important to note that
figures regarding torque wrench accuracy
are usually valid from 20% up to full
of the full scale of the wrench's rated torque capacity
Micrometer torque wrenches can be very accurate;
some are rated at ±3% accuracy
(i.e., about ±1 ft. lb. at a 30 ft. lb. setting).
they can be used in both a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction
(although torque wrenches should never be used to release a fastener).

chain selection and sources:

. I liked the idea posted weeks ago, of having 3 chains
and rotating them so that the cogs wear evenly for the life of 3 chains .
. any tips on chain brands ?
. what chains feature the most reusable master links,
vs links that must be broken apart or are very difficult ?

. do any of you in {usa, uk, euro} buy chains by mail-order?

. books disagree on solvents:
why should I use the ParkTools` orange cleaner instead of, say,
first {wd40, lps-1}
then {30wt motor oil, lps-3} ?
. Bicycle Mag's book tries to economize by using
the same stuff provided by the auto industry .

other hints by that book:

good solvents for thick grease grimes:
. kerosene, paint thinner or diesel fuel (adds oil),
-- jobs that don't clean up with dish soap
which is meant for light oil and particulate messes .

good lube:
. for bearings and cables use white lithium grease .


date Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:53 PM
Sram chains have what they call a power link.
I've never had on fail on me. -
date Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 1:31 PM
I suggest using a single chain without the expensive links.
Power-On-Cycling, for example, carries SRAM 951 9 speed chain,
Good all around 9 speed chain.
The choice of manufacturers on their higher end bikes.
PC-951 has gray outer plates.
PC-971 and
PC-991 have silver outer plates.
Each box includes 114 links and a power link.
Most recumbents will take 2 to 3 boxes to make a complete chain
-- SRAM made some minor tweaks to the PC-971 to
enhance shifting performance with Truvativ chainrings
while continuing to offer accurate shifting in SRAM or Shimano drivetrains.
Nickel-plated outer plates for durability with grey inner plates.
Gold PowerLink master link included.
[but one on amazon said it didn't work so well with shimano]
cut to length, one piece.
Add postage and it will be less than DF shots of chain.
Add say 6" for fitting to your needs.
Besides bulk chain will prove to be a discount to you
as the dealer buys it by the 1000 ft roll.
Carry those quick links for emergencies on the road.
date Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:39 AM
If you are the [lube it on the bike] type
a ten foot chain isn't a problem
but if you want to maximize the life of your drivetrain
you would do well to take the advice of Sir Sheldon and Jobst Brandt.
Never apply lube to a dirty chain.
The dirt on the outside is doing very little harm
but when you apply lube
it is carried into the inner parts where it forms
the equivalent a grinding paste. This kills chains.
Every 200 miles take it apart
and shake it in a container containing citrus degreaser
then rinse well and dry in the sun or oven.
You can expect at least 6000 miles out of a chain,
and if you rotate 3 chains
you can expect at least 20,000 miles
out of your cassette and chainrings.

8.30: my response:
. follow up on leads .
. what is power link vs quick links?
. here's a story of trouble with power link .

. Park Tools makes a special set of pliers (tool #MLP-1) $15-$17,
that works great on any master link.
Simply insert the specially sized jaws into the masterlink
and squeeze the handles, while pinching the sides of chain .
You need to squeeze the plates together,
but if you squeeze them too hard, they will bind against the rollers
and the pins won't want to move toward each other.
. to make this tool yourself,
bend a piece of stiff wire(old spoke) into a Squared off "U"
[then any pliers can press on the wires to press on the links]
. precede with slight WD-40 flush .
take a pair of pliers and set them in the wide position,
then "Z" the chain so the link is the "/" of the "Z"
You can now push the opposing plates
with the pliers angled so each jaw only touches the outer plate.
another success with Z:
Grab the links on either side of the power link
and push together until the powerlink is 90¡ to the chain.
Pinch the side plates of the powerlink with one hand
and push one of the adjacent links to slide the powerlink.

[wire bent to form pliers with hooked jaws
that can hold chain ends together ]

Taking the tension off the piece of chain you're working on
makes removing a rivet or a PowerLink much easier.

. use a chain tool to push the powerlink pins just a hair farther out.
Removal takes a matter of seconds.
I have done this to countless powerlinks for years with zero failures.

prevention: [I tried this]
. before you install the link,
fiddle with it off the chain a little
to figure out the double action.
Then try it on the chain while not on the bike.
Then go for the full installation.

" I remove my gold powerlink
at least once a week for chain cleaning
" The SRAM links cooperate with me
but the KMC links don't.
" Money saved on KMC/Nashbar chains went towards a Park tool.
" I have found that the silver Powerlink
is MUCH more difficult to open when new
than the *gold* powerlink that comes on narrower (9-speed) chains.
8.30: web.gear/trike/chain:

chains at
KMC X9 9-Speed Chain w/Master Link - $69.95
KMC Z72 8spd Chain w/Master Link - $39.95
KMC Z9000 9 spd Chain w/Master Link - $49.95

9-speed chain recumbent ? Nashbar
Recumbent 9speed Chain 232 Links
Replace your recumbent chain with ease with our really long chain!
Fits most LWB, and SWB A bents.
Compatible with both Shimano and Campagnolo 9 speed systems,
includes a quick link .

what does shimano recommend for the capreo ? CN-HG73 (1.83/5 -- bad) reviews for 9-speed chain
(item, #reviews, grade/5)
SRAM PC-99 (9 speed) 90 3.41
SRAM PC-69 (9 speed) 34 3.56
SRAM PowerLink $5.00 44 4.02
Wippermann 9x1 Chain 21 2.71
Wippermann 908 Chain 15 3.27
Shimano HG-93 9sp $16.00 21 2.29
KMC Z9000 $20.00 21 1.95
SRAM PC-991 Hollow Pin 19 2.79

I'm willing to bet being a former bicycle mechanic
(and still doing work on the side)
that the chains are not being installed properly
with the Shimano replacement pins.
The replacement pins are a PITA[pain]
but a very simple remedy is a SRAM Powerlink or Connex Connector...
both of which I have used with success
on this chain (I've used two now).
The chain has been reliable, smooth shifting,
and long term durability has been on par with
others at or above its price range.
Having broke both PC69 (now the PG971) SRAM chains in less than a year...
I would highly recommend it over that chain.
I've run HG93 and CN 7701 chains in the past
and I am pleasantly surprised at the quality of this chain.

8.20: bk:

. threads should be oiled; large threads should be greased;
torque values assume this .

. parktool`cl-1 chain lube has a nice drip bottle .
like a syringe but by squeeze .

. before oiling threads, of course nylocked's don't need it;
but, also check that the female threading is not nylocked .

conversions for torque measuring systems:
in lb/12 = ft lb;
nm * 8.85 = in lb;

8.21: mobi/trike/prep like short trips could get long:
. on even short trips, take plenty of water
since being chased by a dog turn it into a long trip .

8.20: sizing:
. tyre manufacturers have cleaned up their act a lot in recent years.
In addition to the old 'nominal OD' marking,
which can be hugely misleading,
nearly all modern tyres also carry ISO size markings.
EG 40-406 for a nominally 20-inch Marathon Racer
or 35-406 for a Kojak.
The second number is a direct measurement of the bead seat diameter
(as per cars as stated above
Bike tires are sized by the nominal outside diameter,
not like car tires which are sized by the diameter of the inside of the bead
(where they seat on the wheel).
They often are not the size they are marked. )
while the first denotes the width of the tyre.
The width figure may not be 100% accurate in every case
as it can be affected in a minor way by the width of the rim it is fitted to,
but it is a whole order of magnitude more accurate than the old nominal system.
Using the marked ISO numbers as a basis,
and taking the width marking as height,
normally yields an accurate enough result
for setting a cycle computer.

The ISO sizes are a more reliable guide to what tire will fit your wheel
(there often being several different incompatible sizes
called by the same inch designation),
but not necessarily to the actual size of the tire.
and why companies misrepresent the sizes of their tires,

Schwalbe does seem to be fairly accurate.
A 20 inch Marathon Racer is 40-406, giving a radius of 24.3cm.
Assuming the ISO figures to be correct (they are normally pretty close)

. car takes left turn into on-coming traffic
-- almost half of all bike-car crashes,

. cyclist hits an opening car door .
. car exits a driveway into the path of cyclist.

. car turns right without first being in right lane
cutting off the cyclist who is the right lane .

. car hits a slower cyclist from behind .
. the chances of this are proportional to
the difference in speed;
if a car is drifting into your lane,
a fast-moving cyclist can counter-drift into another lane .
. then again, speed kills anyway,
as sometimes the reason for the drift
is because the driver has been startled by something falling
reflexively attempting to retrieve it,
and creating a jerk in the steering wheel at high speed .
. this may be difficult to avoid
-- best to stay on low-speed roads .
. then again,
a significant number of traffic deaths
are within a few miles of the victim's own home
-- too short a distance to put on their seatbelts,
they assume .
. you've got to be inspecting traffic all the time
and be prepared to take a sharp exit
-- sometimes from crazed drunks that mean to hit you!
43,000 are killed in usa crashes every year,
including 5,000 pedestrians
and 700 cyclists per year.
In other countries,
they've been more active about taking those words seriously.

The United States has the highest
traffic-death rate (15 per 100,000 residents)
of all developed democratic countries.
Several European nations over the past few decades,
- Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,
the Netherlands and Switzerland -
have slashed their annual traffic-fatality figures
largely through "traffic-calming" measures
that forcibly reduce the speeds of motor vehicles.
In places such as Germany and the Netherlands,
traffic regulations are actually biased in favor of
cyclists and pedestrians
-in the event of a bike-car collision,
the legal burden is on motorists
to prove that they weren't at fault,
and Dutch drivers are financially liable
even if cyclists are at fault.
(in the Netherlands,
almost half of all local travel is done by bicycle) .
Dutch and German children are schooled in
safe cycling practices
and, when they grow older and learn to drive,
are taught how to avoid even collisions caused by
lawbreaking cyclists.
Peter L. Jacobsen` 2003 "Safety in Numbers"
. Jacobsen found from studying cities internationally
that cars hit pedestrians and pedal-cyclists less
when they see more of them on the road every day .

9.5: news.trice/safety/dog.guard/Bear Pepper Spray is more potent:

use only approved spray specifically formulated for bears
- more powerful spray and more potent.
It's more expensive than that made for people
- using people spray may only enrage the bear
without deterring an attack.
) .

If a black bear attacks,
fight back with everything in your power: fists, sticks, rocks
and E.P.A. registered bear pepper spray.
Guard Alaska 20% ultra hot bear pepper spray
has proven so effective repelling bears,
it is the only one registered with the EPA
as a repellent for ALL SPECIES of bear!
This formula is a scientifically proven superior 20% concentration,
. endorsed by the Alaska Science & Technology Foundation.
. Sierra Club criteria for effective bear deterrent
The Sierra Club wants the Forest Service to require
everyone who enters a national forest in grizzly bear country
to carry bear spray.
Spokeswoman Heidi Godwin said in a news release,
"The proper use of bear pepper spray
will reduce human injuries caused by bears,
reduce the number of grizzly bears killed in self defense,
and help promote the recovery and survival of the grizzly bear."
. shoots 20 feet and contains 9 oz. -- 9 one second shots.
8 3/4 x 2" diam.
Environmentally safe and EPA approved.
(One of the only non-Canadian brands
to be approved for sale in Canada)
Quote from the Yellowstone National Park Website:
Bear pepper spray is similar to
the pepper spray police officers carry,
but the canisters designed for bear encounters are much larger.
Park rangers recommend that hikers carry the bear spray
as defense in the event of a bear attack.
Bear pepper spray has proven very successful
in stopping attacks,
although one or two people are still injured each year
by Yellowstone's bears.
. University of Calgary grizzly bear expert Stephen Herrero:
. bear pepper spray was found to be 94% effective
in deterring aggressive bears.
. pit bulls charged me but I had bear spray .

9.2: co.trice/chain tubes:
date Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:21 AM
I have TerraCycle Over Under idlers installed
and have removed all the tubes except for
a 6 inch piece that protects my right calf.
This short piece is anchored by a couple of wire ties.
I went with this arrangement because, last winter,
The tubes filled with frozen road slush
and the chain would bind so badly
that it was difficult to peddle forward
and I couldn't back peddle at all.
9.3: co.trice/maint/chain tube vs dry lube:
> Don't use oil to gather dirt and dust to wear the chain out faster,
> so our chain is relatively clean and not a problem.
. anyone had experience with white lightening or other dry lube's?
. I read some also degrease the chain
and soak it in hot paraffin .
I personally, prefer either Pro Link, or Bosheld T9.
I'm sure that there are many good lubes out there.
These are the two I've had the best experience with.
my response:
web for spelling: ProLink Chain Lube
. will not let dirt and grit stick to your chain
-- in wet or dry conditions. It greatly reduces friction and wear,
allowing smoother operation of your chain and cables,
and it will keep your chain and drive train area clean and seemingly drag free.
ProLink is a thin-bodied lubricant that uses MFR technology,
a molecule which bonds to the metal surface.
It does not build up or become tacky
because it contains no solids like Teflon, wax, moly, graphite or plastic.
as a corrosion inhibitor for aircraft components.
safe on paint, plastics, and vinyl.
Boeshield T-9 is a combination of solvents, lubricants and waxes
designed for penetration, moisture displacement, lubrication, and protection.
Boeshield T-9 dries to a thin waxy film that clings to metal.
Because it adheres to metal so well,
it works directly on exposed metal surfaces.
The product can be used in two ways to prevent rust.
A thicker coating works in places where additional protection is helpful
such as on hinges, chains, undercarriages, cables and on items put into storage.

9.3: web.trice/maint/chain lubes:

(ProLink (my all-time fav), White Lightning, Park lube, and Rock n Roll).
But we all agree that wet is out.
. the driest lubes I have found
have been purple extreme if you let it dry
and honda's chain lube -- lasts a bit longer in the rain.
1 part Mobile1 10w30,
3 parts mineral spirits;
clean and relube every 100-150 miles.

Most of the contaminants on a chain are thrown up by the front tire.
This lands on the outer side of the chain.
For this reason, you should always oil a chain on the inner side,
the side that faces the sprockets.
The best way to apply the oil is with a drip-type oil can,
along the top of the lower run of the chain.
This applies the oil to the cleanest part of the chain.
Phil Wood Tenacious oil.
mosquito proof's from cycle.wear:

. citronella oil helps repel flies from horses;
Lafuma Mosquito Shirt - Long-Sleeve - Men's (citronella treated)
. lycra? spandex -- gives body aerodynamics

. the only notable place for microfiber was the mosquito slacks;
apparently not for uppers?

Regarding the Eco Mesh pants, they have side zippers to reveal the mesh material
(similar to their shirts).
9.24: co.trice/maint/tires for reduced bounce:
. go lighter tires, likes 95psi 1.35" wide kojaks .

9.27: co.trice/maint/tire pressure:
The damping has to come from the suspension.
Trice suspension is wonderful compared with nothing
but has a weakness in this regard.

I believe there is danger about
using the linked bicycle chart for three wheeled trikes.
Bicycles do not have side forces on their tires.
The Trice Q has a fairly even weight distribution on each wheel.
My total weight of 240 lbs/3 =80 lbs/wheel...
The article would suggest 35 psi for a 406x35 Kojak.
This is way under the recommended tire pressure by Schwalbe of 55 to 95 psi.
One would run the dangerous risk of a tire rolling off the rim in a tight corner
with only 35 psi in your tires.
Consider you may be in a tight cornering situation on "two wheels".

Schwalbe's tech rep recommended 95 psi for the front Kojaks on my ride.
I have been saved several times in near rollover cornering situations
including one on very rough macadam at over 30 mph.

Schwalbe: "actual tire pressures should never be higher or lower than
the maximum and minimum inflation pressures marked on the tire sidewall."
9.26: trice/safety/surprised by heel.strike:
. another way legs can get caught under trike
when not using clipless or shell with floor
is heel strike causes surprise-bouncing out of pedals,
and then being surprised lets foot fall to the ground
which then grips the shoe and drags it back .

10.4: news.trice/safety:
. took the course and learned quite a bit
-- even after a life time of cycling .