11.12: web.pol/gemini/aliens/A'shayana Deane`Voyagers is misguided:
A'shayana Deane (AKA Anna Hayes Gruber)
has a series of books, "Voyagers"
which has some interesting ideas about aliens
but it is all sourced via "telepathic downloads"
apparently from "ET's, IT (inter-time),
or OD (other dimensional)" beings;
. the basic truth is that the supernatural intelligence
has so much control over us,
able to control our emotions, our thoughts,
and even form shared new worlds via hallucination .
. communications from the supernatural
are often a disinfo program that are meant to
keep the real truth away from the masses
in order lead us into painful programs
that evolve technology through war
and diversify experience in ways we would not choose .
. you know you are being lied to
when your telepathic Source agrees with today's physics
about such things as dark matter and black holes:
black holes are a figment of the
false einstein-based physics
meant to cover up the beam weapon physics
in order to keep us safe from terrorists .
. however,
all disinfo comes with a lot of truth,
and we are warned of "monumental changes" by 2017
which coincides with prophesies of Fall 2016
(Israel's messiah comes in hebrew year 5777
ushered in by the climax of