Americium Dream Distractions
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can you trust Consumer Reports with vitamin D advice?
3.19: mag. health/diet /vit'd/ can you trust Consumer Reports with vitamin D advice?: Consumer Reports [cr] on Health april 2019: &qu...
trust flu vaccine? we need humane organic farming
19.6.17: tv. pol/healthcare/industrial farming /Rob Wallace`african swine fever: 6.19: summary: trust flu vaccine? we need humane organic...
single women live longer than married? #health #peterprinciple
6.8..9: health/social/ single women live longer than married women?: . according to Heather Havrilesky married men live longer than singl...
all men are wise; no men are wise
6.4: relig/god/ all men are wise; no men are wise: "all men are wise; no men are wise." these might seem to be opposites: for a...
#healthcare #fluoride Dr. David Kennedy
19.6.2: pol/healthcare/ fluoride/Dr. David Kennedy: 6.3: summary : . more bad news about fluoride being a hormone disruptor; I live in T...
why lie about man-made global warming?
5.14..15: pol/gemini/science/climate change / why lie about man-made global warming?: . the evidence for global warming being man-made is...
vit'k2 keeps calcium in your bones and out of your arteries
mom/gift/ health/diet/vit k2/ vit'k2 keeps calcium in your bones and out of your arteries: . for mom's 2019 b'day I gave her t...
radioactive smoke alarm disposal
3.5: web. apt `trash/ radioactive smoke alarm disposal: . ionization (radioactive) smoke detectors often need to be scrapped after 10 year...
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