Americium Dream Distractions
any noteworthy thing not relevant to Americium Dream Documents .
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@google warns rely only on printers
2.15: news. cyb/net/ @google warns rely only on printers: . Google is the king of cloud computing but Google's vice-president Vint Cer...
#Jesus can heal the Sunni-Shia divide #Islam
1.29: relig/islam /Jesus can heal the Sunni-Shia divide: . the Shia and Sunni fight over how their leader is chosen; that is just like the...
"g-d" as the voice of community survival
1.29: relig/god /the voice of community survival: . when we say of a work, "god said that", or "god had the prophets or the...
Shinto torii
1.26: web. relig/shinto/ torii: . there are several styles of torii [see pict] (shinmei torii, mihashira torii, ...); what they all hav...
iodine for apoptosis against #cancer
1.24: web. health/cancer / iodine for apoptosis against #cancer: summary: . iodine may be of use against cancer, but some say the needed ...
@NafeezAhmed I love #google /AND/ the #NSA
1.23: news. pol/gemini / @NafeezAhmed I love google AND the NSA: summary: . I've been noticing that google's chromebook is the on...
a new denied XMRV retrovirus epidemic
1.21: news.pol/gemini/healthcare/a new denied XMRV retrovirus epidemic: Plague : One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human...
#organic to reduce nitrates in produce
1.18: news. health/cancer/organic / to reduce nitrates in produce: summary: . nitrates in food may contribute to cancers of the stomach o...
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