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usefulness and availability of various forms of #ginger #health #diet
2019.12.28: health/diet/ ginger/ usefulness and availability of various forms of ginger: 2020: summary : . Dr.Sears and others who promot...
dietary sources of AGEs #health #diet #cook
5.15: web. health/cook /dietary sources of AGEs: summary: . a doctor who wrote a healthy lifestyle book says that sautéing is the best me...
pregnancy brain
9.29: web. health/pregnancy /pregnancy brain: summary: "pregnancy brain" is loss of memory or some sort of cognitive loss that...
big clue from #DownSyndrome prone to #Alzheimer's
10.25: news. health/alz / big clue from Down's syndrome prone to Alzheimer's: . most people with Down's syndrome get Alzheimer&...
#obese more likely to die from #flu
10.21: web. health/hormonics/ obese more likely to die from flu: summary: . the obese were more likely to get the H1N1 flu and to subsequ...
modern #medicine idol worship
10.11, 10.16: pol/healthcare/ modern medicine idol worship: . there are several meanings of "idol worship": it was believed by t...
new normal sugar doubles heart disease risk
7: news. health / new normal sugar doubles heart disease risk : . sugar has been shrugged off as merely fattening; but, it can also lead t...
. acetylcholinesterase inhibitors reduce #inflammation #Alzheimer's #MetabolicSyndrome
11.9: web. cook/hup/when is it needed?: intro: . in studying when huperzine (hup) is needed, I'm wondering if the reason for it (conf...
prediabetes epidemic precedes #diabetes epidemic
10.1: news. health/prediabetes/defined and risk-assessed : . prediabetes is defined as (FPG[fasting plasma glucose] 100–125 mg/dL or a h...
USA's pound-per-week hfcs = 8% diabetes rate
12.7: news. health/diabetes / USA's pound-per-week hfcs = 8% diabetes rate: High fructose consumption, higher diabetes: . countries wi...
cure for some type-1 diabetes @JDRF_Tucson
10: type 1 diabetes/causes : . what causes type 1? the only widely acknowledged risk factor is heredetary due to recessive ge...
corn syrup without fructose
7.7: pol/healthcare/ corn syrup has no reason without the unhealthy high fructose: . even though fructose is more expensive and unhealthier...
healthcare, christians, devils, & dollars
7.1: co.apt/pol/healthcare/ christians against obamacare are not middle class: . a born-again -furious child is chanting: "( everyone ...
Dr.Williams questioning schiz' theory
6.24: news.psy/schiz/ Dr.Williams is correct : re: By Paris Williams, PhD . we still have no clear evidence that schizophrenia and other r...
high times for low carb
7.9..13: summary : . A Calorie Is A Calorie theory disproven again? nobody was seriously positing that all calories are equal; what the...
ready for your sweet surprise?
5.14: co.fb#inst for respons' tech/ health/ corn is not just bee killer: What are your thoughts on this article? GE corn & sick h...
link between alz and sugar may be cholesterol
4.13: news. health/alz/ link between alz and sugar may be cholesterol: 4.13, 4.17: summary: . when alzheimers was reported to be a clu...
desert diabetics at risk of fungal infection #HFCS #hormonics
4.2: web. health/diabetics at risk of deadly, desert fungal infection: summary: . the Mayo clinic (in az's Phoenix suburbs) has rele...
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#alzheimer's cured by anti-cancer drugs #health
3.21: /alz/cured by anti-cancer drugs: . epothilone D (EpoD) works like paclitaxel, but it also crosses the blood-brain barrier...
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