
#grains promote blood clots?

web.health/diet/grains/grains promote blood clots?:
10.12: summary:
. saturated fats are safe if not mixed with grains;
oats are among the safest grains, but aren't paleo:
they may promote leaky gut, inflammation,
and turn palmitic saturated fats against you .

10.9: review Dr.Cordain:
. not all saturated fats are bad;
but palmitic saturated fats
DO increase plaque in the arteries;
however, this only becomes very hazardous
when saturated fats are eaten in combination with
foods that tend to increase inflammation:
the combination of palmitic sat'fats
and inflammatory foods such as grains
is a deadly formula for a heart attack.
. the most common inflammatory foods are
refined carb's (sugar, flour, dairy`lactose);
grains (esp'ly wheat),
vegetable oils(too much omega-6)
and saponins [found in legumes
(mostly in beans, peas are fairly safe)
nightshade vegetables (potatoes and tomatoes),
seeds such as quinoa, and the herb ginseng .
. high levels of omega-6 (typically from veg'oil)
will tend to turn arachidonic acid against you
(my favorite food the egg has a lot of arachadonic acid
so it's important for me to minimize omega-6 ).]
. foods elicit chronic low level inflammation
via a number of mechanisms including
increased intestinal permeability [leaky gut
allowing dead germ toxins to enter the bloodstream;
-- see details of nature's many antinutrients:
the key to protection is a diverse rotation diet .].
. some of these leaking gut toxins
are upregulating cytokines that cause inflammation .
. chronic low level inflammation causes
upregulation of MMPs ([matrix] metalloproteinases)
[used by the body for dissolving itself
in order to regrow itself]
which are then rupturing the arterial plaque
built by palmitic sat'fat intake;
ruptured arterial plaque can break free
and clog arteries of the heart or brain,
(causing myocardial infarcts or a stroke).

10.11: Dr.Getty 2009`oats are the safest grain:
[. this is about feeding horses,
but most will apply to humans too .]
. grains are high in starches
that are not easily digested completely;
if undigested starch travels to the hind gut
it is fermented by lactic acid-forming germs
and the resulting acidification of the hind gut
causes leaky gut and kills the usual germs
(that are fermenting without forming acid).
. dead germs release endotoxins into the hind gut;
and then, because acidity causes the gut to leak,
the endotoxins are leaking into the bloodstream;
[ and, this leaking provokes an immune response
that may cause acute inflammation ].
. oats are the safest grain,
being easiest to completely digest,
and leaving very few starchs in the hind gut
so then the acid-forming germs are minimized,
and the gut doesn't leak .

10.11: oats have a good track record: 
. oatmeal contains a soluble fiber, beta-glucan .
Those eating the most water-soluble dietary fiber
had a 15% reduced risk of CHD
[coronary heart disease]
and a 10% reduced risk of CVD
[cardiovascular disease].
. oat`avenanthramides suppressed atherosclerosis
[ arterial plaque from palmitic sat'fats ]
by inhibiting production of ICAM-1
(intracellular adhesion molecule-1)
and VCAM-1 (vascular adhesion molecule-1),
E-selectin, and the secretion of
pro-inflammatory cytokines KL-6, chemokines IL-8
and protein MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein).
on the other hand:
. oats are rich in 2 types of saponins,
and while some saponins are beneficial
oats`avenacin might promote leaky guts;
(Avenacin A-1 in oats confers resistance to
a number of root-infecting fungal pathogens);
peas (a legume) will also have saponins;
and legume consumption promotes longevity:
legumes, as sources of prebiotics,
are the most important dietary predictor of
survival in elders of several ethnicities .
. for every 20 grams more legumes daily,
you actually reduce your risk of death
by around 8% more over seven years.

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