
universal calendar #5777 idealized lunation

1.5: summary:
. part of my logging routine involves
copying a template of month folders
that contain files for each annual date:
each file in a month folder
starts with a date and some event's name,
such as: sched/12 dec/25 christmas.txt .
. ever since hearing about the prophesies of
Hebrew year 5777 (2016.fall ... 2017.fall)
I have been interested in Jewish and Islamic events;
so, I was looking for a way to add them
to my year's logging template .
. the jewish calendar is lunisolar,
and the islamic calendar is lunar,
so while their events are on
a particular monthly date,
their months are shifting around
within the calendar that modernity uses,
I devised an idealized lunation system,
that assigns their months to particular days,
aligned with the equinoxes of the year 5777 .
. also, there are many usa calendar events
that are shifting their date annually
because they are defined as being on
something like the 1st monday of a month;
so, in order to fix a date for these,
I had to choose a particular year,
and, again, the year I chose was 5777 .
updated: 6.29, 7.5: 1.2 ... 1.4: pim/sched
/universal calendar #5777 idealized lunation:

the Jewish LuniSolar Seasonal Calender:
. a lunar calendar defines a month as
starting at the beginning of a new moon,
and all Jewish holidays fall upon
particular days of such months .
. the solar year has more than 12 lunar months
so without a leap month occasionally inserted,
a particular month would not remain within
any particular season of the year;
thus the calender occasionally has 13 months
to ensure passover remains the spring,
and sukkot happens in the fall, etc .
. new years start on the fall equinox;
although the first month of a calender
starts at the spring equinox .

. the key to idealizing the Islamic calender
is assuming it's based on the Jewish calender,
and seeing that the Islamic month "Rabi'al-awwal"
means "month of spring"; hence, the 12 months of Islam
when converted to idealized lunations
should see Ramadan as starting on the fall equinox .

. if you were to idealize lunar time
for fixed JudeoIslamic dating,
12 lunar months would fit exactly
in a solar year (6 between each equinox);
and, new moons would be aligned with
the fall and spring equinoxes .

. of course, part of the magic of
the lunar or lunisolar calenders
of the semitic religions, Islam and Judaism,
is that one cannot ordinarily predict
some of the appointed times;
so a system of idealized lunations
is simply a study aid, not a practical calendar .
. then again,
bible values were basically practical,
and the primary value of a lunar calendar
is an enhanced ability to synchronize activities
without having to count all the days .
. we can do that without the moon now,
so there is one less religious reason for
continuing to support a lunar calender;
however, a lunisolar calender is still needed in order to
fulfill the few prophesies that remain until 5777 ; [6.29, 7.5:
moreover, phases of the moon have a major influence
on our hormones, emotions, and our luck .]
and don't forget the evolution value:
. the math for predicting lunar cycles is very complicated,
and those who could predict them
might have a military or social advantage,
and thus an evolutionary advantage .

. our idealized lunations calender
has the months shifted so that
they are aligned with the equinoxes;
to assist in the mapping between the dates
of the modern calender and the Jewish,
we will use nasa.gov's julian calender table,
to convert month-day to year day, and back;
eg, december 31 is on day 365 .

equinoxes in Israel (UT+3) on 5777:

# fall equinox 2016: sept 22 (14:21+3)
. given time (14:21+3),
fraction of day (17+ 21/60)/24 = 0.7229;
fall's equinox is on day 265.7229 .

# spring equinox 2017: mar 20 (15:27+3)
. given time 15:27+3,
fraction of day (18+ 27/60)/24 = 0.76875;
spring's equinox is on day 79.76875 .

. if spring is day 79.76875
and fall is day 265.7229
then there are (265.7229 - 79.76875)/ 6 =
30.99236 days per month in mar...aug;
and there are (79.76875 + 365 -265.7229)/6 =
29.841 days per month in sept..feb .

starts of ideal lunar months for 5777:

2016 fall equinox -- first day of 5777
#1 = fall equinox = day 265.7229 = sept 22
#2 = 265.7229 + 29.841 = 295.5639 = oct 22
#3 = 295.5639 + 29.841 = 325.4049 = nov 21
#4 = 325.4049 + 29.841 = 355.2459 = dec 21
#5 = (355.2459 + 29.841)-365 = 20.0869 = jan 20
#6 = (385.0869 + 29.841)-365 = 49.9279 = feb 18

2017 spring:
#1 = spring equinox = day 79.76875 = mar 20
#2 = 79.76875 + 30.99236 = 110.76111 = apr 20
#3 = 110.76111 + 30.99236 = 141.75347 = may 21
#4 = 141.75347+ 30.99236 = 172.74583 = jun 21
#5 = 172.74583 + 30.99236 = 203.73819 = jul 22
#6 = 203.73819 + 30.99236 = 234.73055 = aug 22

months of idealized 5777 calender

. the following table lists the months
in Judaism (J) and Islam (I),
and their western start day minus one,
so you can add dates to the day;
eg, the idealized Tishri is around sept 22,
so Tishri 10 is on day 265 -1 +10
= day 264 + 10 . [7.5: 
. the fullmoon is always on the 15th .]
day 264(sept equinox)  J#7:Tishri, I#9:Ramadan;
day 294(oct) J#8:Cheshvan, I#10:Shawwal;
day 324(nov) J#9:Kislev, I#11:Dhu al-Qi'dah;
day 354(dec) J#10:Tevet, I#12:Dhu al-Hijjah;
day 20(jan) J#11:Shevat, I#1:Muharram;
day 48(feb) J#12:Adar, I#2:Safar;
day 78(march equinox) J#1:Nisan; I#3:Rabi'al-awwal;
day 109(apr) J#2:Iyyar, I#4:Rabi'al-thani
day 140(may) J#3:Sivan, I#5:Jumada al-awwal;
day 171(jun) J#4:Tammuz, I#6:Jumada al-thani;
day 202(jul) J#5:Av, I#7:Rajab;
day 233(aut) J#6:Elul, I#8:Sha'aban;

common and religious holidays of 5777:

( timeanddate`2016, timeanddate`2017)

2016 September

22 Fall Equinox, month#7: Tishri, Ramadan;
22 (264 + 1) Islam's Ramadan and Jewish New Year
. Feast of Trumpets(modern name Rosh Hashanah):
first of the High Holy Days ("Days of Awe")
. it is the "day of judgment" (for the awakened):
the righteous are added to the book of life;
the wicked are removed forever;
and the oblivious are allowed a respite of ten days,
to reflect, repent and become righteous;
until Yom Kippur, "the day of judgment"
(for those woken on woken's judgment day ).

2016 Oct

01 (264 + 10) Yom Kippur
. last day of new year's penitence .

03 5777's Jewish New Year and Islam year#1438
06 Tishri & Ramadan` full moon
06 (264 + 15) Sukkot day#1 (sheltering during Exodus)
. "The Feast of Ingathering"  for a reading of the Mosaic Law
living in booths like when Hebrews camped after their escape.
. one of the 3 Pilgrimage Festivals(Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot):
after the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem
all 3 pilgrimages become obligatory upon
Jews [Jewish people living in Judah] .

10 (second Mon) Columbus Day 5777
12 5777's Yom Kippur [6.29:
13 (264+15+7) Shemini Atzeret "assembly of the eighth [of Sukkot]"
14 (264+15+8) Simchat Torah "Rejoicing in law" ]
15 blindness Safety (tapping cane assist)
18 (264 +27) Laylat al-Qadr (Qur'an was revealed),
22 month#8: Cheshvan, Shawwal;
22 (294+1) Eid al-Fitr (post-Ramadan feast)
23 5777's Last Day of Sukkot
31 Halloween
25 ( last Sunday ) mothers who lost children to war 5777

2016 Nov

05  Cheshvan & Shawwal's fullmoon
08 (day after first mon) Election Day 5777
11 Veterans Day
21 month#9: Kislev, Dhu al-Qi'dah;
24 (4th thur) Thanksgiving Day 5777
28 (first Monday after thanksgiving) "Cyber Monday" 5777

2016 Dec

05  Kislev & Dhu al-Qi'dah's fullmoon
07 Pearl Harbor

15 (324 + 25) Hanukkah (Chanukkah) day#1
. the festival of lights remembers when
during an lamp oil shortage in the Temple
a one-day supply lasted eight days .

21 month#10: Tevet, Dhu al-Hijjah;
25 usa Christmas Day -- 5777's Hanukkah day#1
26 5777's usa Christmas Day  (25th is sunday)

30 (354+10) 5777's Eid al-Adha(Feast of Sacrifice)
. the end of the Hajj pilgrimage;
honors Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son .

2017 January

01 5777's Last Day of Hanukkah
02 5777's usa New Year's  (1st was sunday)
04 Tevet & Dhu al-Hijjah's fullmoon
06 end of Russian 40-day no-meat Lent
09 Russian Christmas 5777 (7th is a weekend)
16 (third Mon) Martin Luther King 5777
20 month#11: Shevat, Muharram;
21 (20+1) Muharram (Islamic and Chinese new year)
28 5777's Chinese New Year

2017 Feb

01 usa abolishes slavery (1865) [6.29:
04 Shevat & Muharram's fullmoon
04 (20+15) Tu B'Shevat . New Year for Trees ]
14 Valentine's
18 month#12 Adar, Safar;
19 usa Detention of Japanese-Americans (1942)
20 (3rd mon) Presidents' Day 5777
28 (47days before Easter) Mardi Gras 5777
11 5777's Passover day#1
13 usa'architect Jefferson

2017 mar

03 (48 + 14) Purim (friends n enemies in high places)
04 Adar & Safar's fullmoon
20 month#1: Nisan; Rabi'al-awwal; 
31 (78+12) Sunni's Final Prophet birth

2017 Apr

03 Nisan & Rabi'al-awwal's fullmoon
03 (78+15) 7-day Pesach Passover day#1
. one of the 3 Pilgrimage Festivals .

05 (78+17) Shia's Final Prophet birth
15 (78+27) Yom HaSho'ah Holocaust Memorial
14 (friday before easter) Good Friday 5777

16 (sunday after spring's full moon) Easter Sunday 5777
18 5777's Last Day of Passover
20 month#2: Iyyar, Rabi'al-thani
24 5777's Isra and Mi'raj [6.29:
24 (109 + 5) Yom Ha-Atzma'ut "Israeli Independence" ]

2017 May

01 Loyalty to Law(Equality & Justice)
04 Iyyar & Rabi'al-thani's fullmoon
04 (1st Thur) Day of Prayer 5777 [6.29:
07 (109+18) Lag B'Omer "33rd of Omer"]

14 (2nd sun) Mothers 5777 [6.29:
17 (109+ 28) Yom Yerushalayim "reunification of" ]

15 Peace Officers
20 (3rd sat) usa Armed Forces 5777
21  month#3: Sivan, Jumada al-awwal
22 usa' Maritime
24 (passover day#2 + 7*7) shavu'ot: Feast of Weeks
. one of the 3 Pilgrimage Festivals .

27 5777's Ramadan day#1
29 (last mon) Memorial Day 5777
31 5777's shavu'ot: Feast of Weeks

2017 June

04 Sivan & Jumada al-awwal's fullmoon
14 usa Flag day
18 (3rd sun) Fathers 5777
21 month#4: Tammuz, Jumada al-thani
21 5777's Lailat al-Qadr (Qur'an revealed)

2017 July

04 Independence Day
05 Tammuz & Jumada al-thani's fullmoon
22 month#5 Av, Rajab
23 (4th sun) responsible parenting 5777 [7.6:
26 2015's 9th of av ][6.29:
30 (202+9) Tisha b'Av "the 9th of Av"
. anniversary of Temple's destructions and 3rd reconstruction
and many other catastrophic events  .]

2017 aug

01 2017's 9th of av ]
05 Av & Rajab's fullmoon [7.6:
01 2014's 9th of av
15 Napoleon Bonaparte (illuminati) born 1769:
. the illuminati is characterized by
replacing cults (christianity and islam)
with a pure fear of g-d, and tolerating
Islamo-Christian outsiders such as Jews,
bible-sex deviants, and entheogen users .
. Napoleon was called an "antichrist"
by those he attacked in Europe and Russia;
because, he was liberating their Jewish people
from being confined by Christians to ghettoes .

17 (202+ 27) Isra and Mi'raj
. Final Prophet's journey to Jerusalem and then to heaven .
22 month#6: Elul, Sha'aban

2017 sept

04 (first mon) Labor Day 5777
05 Elul & Sha'aban's fullmoon
10 (1st sept Sunday after Labor Day) Grandparents 5777
11 "Patriot Day" #911neocons false-flag attack
15 (3rd fri) POW/MIA (war is torture) 5777
18 Constitution Day 5777 (17th is sun)
21 5778's Jewish New Year
22  month#7: Tishri, Ramadan

1 comment:

  1. first day of spring getting earlier:
    . did you know that during the 20th century,
    the vernal equinox landed on March 21
    only 36 out of 100 years?
    And from 1981 to 2102,
    spring will be no later than March 20?
    -- March 21 is the exception rather than the rule.
    In 2016, those living in Alaska, Hawaii and the
    Pacific, Mountain and Central time zones
    will see spring begin even earlier:
    on March 19.
    And in 2020, it will start on March 19
    for the entire United States .


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