Americium Dream Distractions
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theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world
2022.2.14: relig/liberal/ theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world: . the word theodicy comes from https://www.etymonlin...
fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients
22.1.2: 2.8: news. health/diet/omega-3/heart /fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients: Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Feb https://pubmed.ncb...
the god of gods is the Lord of Armies
2022.1.30: relig/judaism / the god of gods is the Lord of Armies: . when I first heard of the god being referred to as "Lord of armies...
Helané Wahbeh`telepathy as one form of "channeling" "the Force That Connects Us All"
2022.1.24: news. psy/schiz / Helané Wahbeh` telepathy as one form of "channeling" "the Force That Connects Us All" : Wa...
Cares Act 2020 required removing guaifenesin from asthma meds
21.7.12: web. health/diet / Cares Act 2020 required removing guaifenesin from asthma meds: . why was primatene recalled? a competitor claim...
Berberine prevents heart failure through endothelial and calcium function
2021.8.9: 9.4: health/diet/heart /Berberine/ prevents heart failure through endothelial and calcium function: GreenMedInfo Research Group J...
5 large moths replaced 5 preying mantises
2021.9.8: news. apt`wildlife / 5 large moths replaced 5 preying mantises: . with the heavy amount of rain this year, the night light is attr...
T cells can reveal a covid infection even if antibodies waned
2021.8.4, 9.15: health/immunity/covid-19/ T cells can reveal a covid infection even if antibodies waned 9.15: summary: . if you had a mild c...
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