Americium Dream Distractions
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why lie about man-made global warming?
5.14..15: pol/gemini/science/climate change / why lie about man-made global warming?: . the evidence for global warming being man-made is...
vit'k2 keeps calcium in your bones and out of your arteries
mom/gift/ health/diet/vit k2/ vit'k2 keeps calcium in your bones and out of your arteries: . for mom's 2019 b'day I gave her t...
radioactive smoke alarm disposal
3.5: web. apt `trash/ radioactive smoke alarm disposal: . ionization (radioactive) smoke detectors often need to be scrapped after 10 year...
snapshot unresponsive? check for shortcut changes:
3.4: web. cyb/mac/ snapshot unresponsive? check for shortcut changes: . the mac snapshot shortcut no longer works; one reason could be App...
how could Abraham's ram get trapped in a thicket? the way of the Azazel
3.2: relig/judaism/ how could Abraham's ram get trapped in a thicket? the way of the Azazel: Genesis 22:13 And lifting up his eyes, A...
consumer reports`safe fish
web.h ealth/diet/fish /consumerreports`safe fish: 19.2.3: sun consumerreports 2017: In the new [gov] guidelines, fish are grouped into &...
archive time for Google+
proj. cyb/ /archive time for Google+: 2.4: summary : . if you were a user of google plus social media which is being discontinued ...
one taken while the other close by remained
web. relig/christian/ one taken while the other close by remained: 11.12: summary : . the christian bible talks about the coming day of j...
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