Americium Dream Distractions
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Arizona ID for airports expires 2020.10
7.7: news. care / Arizona ID for airports expires 2020.10: tucsonnewsnow 2016.3: federal REAL ID Act: AZ is now offering a ID's that c...
#911truther Predictive Programming in Independence_Day_(1996_film)
6.25: news. pol/purges/illuminati/911truther/ Independence_Day_(1996_film) as Predictive Programming: 6.28: summary : . everyone agrees t...
graphics 2015
. these are the drawings I did during 2015; done in colored pencils or pens. . also a collage.
is #BDS-#Israel the #antichrist?
6.12: news. pol/purges/anti-semitism / is BDS-Israel the antichrist?: "too jewish" tucson radio: . while in the usa there is gr...
everyone's #testosterone lowered by environmental endocrine disruptors
4.14: news. pol/healthcare/hormonics/ everyone's testosterone lowered by environmental endocrine disruptors: Travison, Araujo, OĆDonn...
how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?
4.13: news. health/diet/hormonics/ how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?: 4.19: summary : . if anything "predicts type 2 dia...
#nanoparticles in food untested risks #cancer
5.28: news.pol/healthcare/cancer/nanoparticles in food untested: carcin.oxfordjournals: . nano-sized materials promote genetic instability...
only 2.7% of #usa is #healthy #weight #diet #exercise
4.7: news. health / only 2.7% of usa is healthy weight diet exercise: 5.24: summary : . the study found that most usa citizens are unhealt...
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