Americium Dream Distractions
any noteworthy thing not relevant to Americium Dream Documents .
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#hinduism #reincarnation
9.14: relig/hinduism /reincarnation: . transmigration is the process of using successive lives to work through a growing process gaining e...
battered wife syndrome like #schizophrenia
9.11: psy/schiz /like battered wife syndrome: . in the battered wife syndrome, despite trying guys with different profiles, the victim al...
1000 years of crusades
9.3: news. relig/bible/revelations/ 1000 years of crusades: . didn't the 1000 years mentioned in revelations begin in about 1016 AD ? ...
8.30: news. care / 12.31: summary : . Septembers are preparedness months; is concerned mostly with the increasing da...
accelerate #baby #communications skill
8.30: news. care/children / accelerate baby communications skill: Maternal Responsiveness and the Development of Directed Vocalizing in So...
#Israel protects #Judaism against #liberalism
8.28: co.{fb,}/ pol/zionism /#Israel protects #Judaism against #liberalism: I am so eager to ask Ron Mizrachi to help a ...
300 #holocaust survivors say boycott #Israel
8.28: news. pol/zionism / 300 #holocaust survivors say boycott #Israel:`about Saturday, August 23rd: A letter signed by 40 surviv...
the terrorists own us
8.25: news. pol/free speech /the terrorists own us: 8.25: summary : . by targeting of journalists for harassment, police have assaulted a...
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