Americium Dream Distractions
any noteworthy thing not relevant to Americium Dream Documents .
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#liberals associated with #Lyme disease
8.27: news. pol /liberals associated with Lyme disease: . this map of gay marriage (liberal) states (found here) is similar to the Lyme ...
webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones
8.27: news. pol/children's rights/ webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones: 27: summary : . webcam pedophiles (defined as those...
Morphic Resonance #parapsych #paraphysics
8.27: news. psy/parapsy/ Morphic Resonance: . the idea that your brain's memory is more like a radio receiver than a computer storage,...
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#solar #oven by
2014.2.9: web.gear/solar.oven/compare amazon offerings: All American Sun Oven base oven is $294.00 , extras is $45.5:
Antichrist war is officially declared
news. pol/purges/wwIII /Antichrist war is officially declared: Aug. 21, 2014: Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Jo...
#Russia #religion the greater hope of the world #Cayce
7.22: relig/Russian (what Cayce esteemed) 8.13: summary: . Edgar Cayce was "the sleeping prophet"; he could hypnotize himself...
#PC as the #communists vs the #fascists
8.10: news. pol /PC as the communists vs the fascists: context: . traditional versions of Christians believe that God Himself wrote the v...
prioritizing supplements for a tight budget
health /prioritizing supplements for a tight budget: summary: . I'm looking for ways to save more in preparation for lower luck and h...
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