Americium Dream Distractions
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female #testosterone after #menopause
4.23: web. health/hormonics /female testosterone after menopause: summary: . a woman's life extension program should include maintena...
#politics of on-going #malware injustice
news. cyb/sec / #politics of on-going #malware injustice: summary: . we need a hardware system redesign that will give the NSA the inform...
Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors
4.29: news .pol/gemini / Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors: JAMA Intern Med/Research Letter | March 17, 2014 Medical Consp...
the god's chosen people or way?
4.29: news. relig/judaism /the god's chosen people or way?: summary: . it wasn't that god had chosen the Hebrews, the Bible shows...
2014-04-16`animal sacrifice during wwII
3.22: relig/judaism/`animal sacrifice during wwII : . in thisamericanlife's interpretation of the bible, the god ...
anti-christ war 3.23
pol/purges/wwIII /anti-christ war 3.23: summary . march 23rd was said to be significant "Celestial Sign could mark the beginning of...
#privacy not the purpose of #Qubes
2.17: co. cyb/sec/qubes/ privacy not the purpose of qubes , [3.1: intro : . the Qubes project provides sure isolation with a hardening o...
the Global Health Security Agenda
news. pol/purges/wwIII / the Global Health Security Agenda : 17: summary: . due to the heightened risk of Terrorism there appears to be a...
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