Americium Dream Distractions
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evidence JC didn't die on the cross
4.30: co.g'+/ relig/christianity/the swoon theory : Jon Stewart's usa gov and christians: Justin Bale 12:56 PM "( the am...
what it means to believe in the devil
4.20: relig/christian/ what it means to believe in the devil: Penn Jillette said: "( . people often confuse athiests with satanists, ...
the choking game
4.16: psy/ the choking game: . the news recently said that kids are dying from losing at playing the choking game ; . as kids, we had a game...
plastic first praised as indestructable abused_as_disposable
4.30: news. pol/trash / plastic praised as indestructable abused as disposable: . it was said on Fresh Air , that an LA suburb has a probl...
think wild alaskan salmon is safe?
5.19: web. health/omega-3 /wild salmon: . in the industries own research they are happy to give numbers until the issue of dioxins and pc...
smart drugs summary
Picamilon is said to be a nootropic (smart drug) but the only truth to that I found was that standard smart drugs ( stimulants ) make you...
evidence miracles are a political stunt
4.20: relig/jc/ evidence miracles are a political stunt: . notice Jesus Christ's peers, the other rabbis, didn't take his miracles s...
duelers allowed to Stand Their Ground? #Trayvon
5.17: look how beat up he looks! . I can't believe the media is still ignoring the obvious: if you maliciously provoke an attack by foll...
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