Americium Dream Distractions
any noteworthy thing not relevant to Americium Dream Documents .
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lifestyle choices for blindness prevention
intro # high-fiber vs high-carb': # good fat vs bad fat: # moderate fat vs high or low fat: # peak resistance training foods that...
mired if the savior succeeds
6.29: pol/ obamanomics / we're mired if the savior succeeds: . Obama spoke to the people about the repub's obstructing a debt li...
FUH-cake! psilocybin is almost respectable
6.17: web. wealth /psilocybin: 17/06/2011 (2000 GMT) bbc world service : listen: . the last segment (at minute:46) is "( what make...
born-again conservative with Congressman Aaron Schock
5.10: news.pol/born-again conservative with Congressman Aaron Schock : Men's Health magazine/The Ripped Representative America's...
dreamed Obama's been divorced
11.5.5: pol /dreamed Obama's been divorced: . I'm not recalling dreams too well these days, but I had a vague memory of another m...
great (ubiquitous) satan
4.30: adds/relig/ we cause them: . that character singing "(I ain't saying she's a gold digger) why did he expect her to wor...
the living bible should be growing
4.25: adds/ relig/ the living bible should be growing: . the bible was about new tech: both the idea of documentation and the selection ...
anti-obama is not exactly anti-liberal
4.26: pol/ zionism /anti-obama is not exactly anti-liberal: . conservatives are really just liberals for corporates, bankers, oilers, and...
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