
#Asperger's syndrome --what is a mental illness? @1a

9.27: psy/Asperger's syndrome/what is a mental illness?:
. an adamant correction by @1a's Joshua Johnson
had me retorting:
how is Asperger's syndrome (autism spectrum disorder)
not a mental illness?

bluff email ransomware for bitcoin# 1C2EbKJCZKtHMJawxBqyzZ9SHQVwRyfist

bluff email ransomware for bitcoin# 1C2EbKJCZKtHMJawxBqyzZ9SHQVwRyfist:
. this letter was in my spam
(Oct 6, 2019, 12:50 PM
subject: Hohe Gefahr. Konto wurde angegriffen.)
seeming to come from my own account;
but gmail warns there is no way to verify this;
it warns of a trojan but I use a chromebook,
which is not so prone to trojans.
. here is what the letter said
translated by google from german
(not necessarily the language of the attacker):