
#dementia more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?

2017.11.24: news.health/dementia/
more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?:
the week.mag may 12, p21:
washington post:
boston univ`Matthew Pase:
. a 10 year study* resulted in few cases of dementia
but those who did get it, were more likely to have
used diet soda not sugared soda.
*[Stroke. 2017]

Sarah Boseley: the researchers:
“We are unable to determine whether
artificially sweetened soft drink intake
increased the risk of incident dementia
through diabetes mellitus or whether
people with diabetes mellitus were simply more likely
to consume diet beverages.”

my 2017 comment:

. perhaps the sort of person who would use diet soda
(a sort of misinformed health behavior)
would also tend to have other such behaviors
such as limiting vitamin D with sunscreens,
and limiting cholesterol with veg oil
which would increase omega-6 load
which might increase cellular inflammation.
. people using diet soda would be more likely
to use the low fat diet,
rather than a low-glycemic or ketogenic diet.
[see MIT prof Stepahnie Seneff:
APOE-4: The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet
and Statins may Cause Alzheimer's].
. also the artificial sweetener aspartame
might be an excitotoxin.
see by Russell Blaylock. M.D.'s
Excitotoxins: The taste that kills
and Degenerative Brain Disorders.
. Dr.Mercola finds evidence of
aspartame's methanol attacking brain.]

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