
Russia agro' uses sun more wisely than USA

12.11: news.pol/energy/Russia agro' uses sun more wisely than USA:
In 2011, 40% of Russia’s food 
was grown on dachas (cottage gardens or allotments).
Dacha gardens produced
66+% of the vegetables,
80+% of the fruit and berries,
49% of the nation’s milk, much of it consumed raw.
79% of the potatoes
In 1999, 35 million Dachnik plots produced,
77% of vegetables,
87% of fruits,
49% of milk
90% of Russia’s potatoes,
59% of meat .
While US regulators 
are fast-tracking GM crops on American families,
Russian families are showing what can be done with
permaculture methods on simple garden plots.
. you do not need any GMOs, industrial farms,
or any other technological gimmicks
to guarantee everybody’s got enough food to eat.
Bear in mind that Russia only has 110 days of
growing season per year – so in the US, for example,
gardeners’ output could be substantially greater.
. the area taken up by lawns in USA
is two times greater than that of Russia’s gardens .

1 comment:

  1. fb no gmo.group:
    It is necessary to ban GMOs, to impose moratorium (on) it for 10 years. While GMOs will be prohibited, we can plan experiments, tests, or maybe even new methods of research could be developed. It has been proven that not only in Russia, but also in many other countries in the world, GMOs are dangerous. Methods of obtaining the GMOs are not perfect, therefore, at this stage, all GMOs are dangerous. Consumption and use of GMOs obtained in such a way can lead to tumours, cancers and obesity among animals. Bio-technologies certainly should be developed, but GMOs should be stopped. We should stop it from spreading. ” – Irina Ermakova, VP of Russia’s National Association for Genetic Safety.

    Few understand that GMOs made their way into the American food chain back in the era of Bush Sr. who, according to William Engdahl, introduced the “doctrine of substantial equivalence” into the FDA, which allowed GMO products to flow unfettered into the American food chain, as if they were the same as non-GMO products, with no testing or approval required.

    Tests conducted by Seralini using the same testing regime purportedly used by Monsanto showed clear evidence of tumour growth in rats. There was an outcry from over 100 scientists when Monsanto used their usual techniques to have the peer reviewed paper retracted.


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