
#paleo #egg sacrificed for legume grains

11.6: web.health/eggs tolerated if leaky gut cured:
. the common egg intolerance that is outgrown
is not an allergy, but a leaky gut problem .
. I learned this from Dr. Campbell-McBride's
GAPS diet Gut & Psychology Syndrome:
she's the one who's child had a gut infection
which reacted to immunizations by causing
a worse gut-immune system
that in turn caused autism .
here's what she says about infants and yolks:
"I am a nutritional therapist concerned about
the GAPS diet recommendations for
introducing egg yolks and animal proteins to infants.
Please clarify how this is suitable for young children
as it goes against many in the medical community?
The best quality building materials come from animal foods:
fresh meat, fresh fish, eggs and good- quality organic dairy.
Plant matter is difficult to digest
and does not really feed the body;
plants are primarily cleansers and provide some energy.
Many plants, particularly grains,
also have anti-nutrients in them
which damage the gut lining.
It is because of the misguided dogma of
weaning infants onto grains
that they develop leaky gut
and start reacting to proteins.
Please, read the chapter on New Baby
in the GAPS book on how to wean an infant.
A good example is FPIES
(Food Protein Intolerance Enterocolitis Syndrome),
a fairly new diagnostic label which is given to
an increasing number of infants today.
These are infants who develop severe digestive symptoms
and are found to be ‘allergic’ to all protein on the planet.
The standard medical advice is to avoid
all protein-containing foods.
I have a growing number of FPIES patients
who recover beautifully on the GAPS Introduction Diet."
. see also Specific Carbohydrate Diet:
the foundation of curing leaky gut:
" Eliminating sugars, starches, grains,
and any other irritating foods
alleviates the inflammation
and starves out the yeast overgrowth ."


  1. response from skeptical:
    Red Flags
    There are plenty of red flags here:
    the “lone genius,”
    the “one cause” of most disease,
    the die-off and
    “wait a while and try again” explanations
    to keep patients on the diet
    when it is making them worse,
    the unvalidated sensitivity and diagnostic tests,
    the detoxification language,
    the bold but unsubstantiated claim of
    total reversal of autism,
    the dangerous recommendations for raw eggs,
    raw milk, and saturated fat
    and against vaccines and cholesterol testing, and more.
    Birds of a feather: she is associated with
    the Weston Price Foundation
    and was featured on Mercola’s website
    (both notorious sources of misinformation).

  2. my reply to skeptical:
    . before you give all your trust to
    conventional medicine,
    notice you've heard a lot from npr recently
    about the power of your microbiome
    and the need for more prebiotics (fiber)
    to feed your probiotics (friendly bacteria).
    -- like this is all brand new to
    conventional medicine;
    what the hell is going on?
    100 years ago you couldn't get surgeons to
    wash their hands before operating;
    now you can't get them to admit
    we need good bacteria that is being
    messed up by a cheap-ass grains-based diet .
    . also keep in mind that sciencebasedmedicine
    has an agenda
    to keep us with conventional medicine,
    and sneers at any attempt to document
    something not funded by the
    science-based pharmaceutical industry
    who gave us the "patented" hormones
    that caused cancer in millions of women .
    . keep in mind that non-conventionals are
    working within a much smaller budget
    than the pharmaceutical industry,
    so they can't afford the double-blind studies
    that are required to "document" a claim .
    . that doesn't mean every "undocumented" claim
    is a lie to perpetuate snake oil sales;
    and it doesn't mean they are wrong about
    gut infections tripping up vaccines
    to cause autism ...
    or that curing the gut infection
    can cure some symptoms of autism .
    . finally, keep in mind that we are run by
    hyperbreeding christian capitalists
    who can't afford to have us
    skip the cheap-ass bread and sugar .
    . this is the main sin of unconventionals:
    they are demanding we give up bread and sugar
    which is actually subsidized by the government
    like some communist regime would do !
    . I want you to remember sciencebasedmedicine
    next time you visit your science-based dentist .
    . you are cared for by apes .


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