
dead earbud was just oil-clogged

2.27: proj.gear/ear bud/left side is dead:
. the left side is dead ?
no, you can barely hear it though;
so, check inside the sound canal:
it's packed with foam that had gotten
totally saturated with oil
(the anti-bacterial ointment oil)
-- I thought that stuff was just drying up!
. the foam tips I got have a screen that will not keep oil out,
but that screen will hold in a piece of foam;
and, the more of that there is
the safer things are from oil penetration .

1 comment:

  1. 7.22: mis.gear/earbuds/complete loss of sound just a switch:
    . take apart and test for cause of
    complete loss of sound:
    . the buds are part of a
    sound cleaning system,
    (the sony mdrnc22/noise canceling headset)
    but that doesn't work so I took the battery out;
    however, that changes the meaning of the device:
    if you turn sound cleaning on,
    then it needs the battery,
    and will sound dead without a battery .
    . it's normal state now is keeping that switch off .


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